Chapter 10- Anne

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     Anne normally liked taking naps. During the day, during school, basically anytime. But as of now, sleep was the last thing on Anne's mind.

     "Anne, are you done with the laptop yet? It's so bright and I'm trying to sleep," Sprig complains to Anne.

     Anne didn't hear him. She was so wrapped up in the research she was doing.

     "Anne?" Sprig repeats himself.

     "Hm?" Anne mumbles. She rubs her eyes and sighs. "Sorry, dude," Anne says. "I'm just really focused right now."

     Sprig hopped over and sat beside Anne. "It wouldn't hurt to take a break."

     "Sasha and Marcy are probably suffering without a break," Anne snaps. It still hurt to talk about them.

     Sprig stayed silent for a moment, which caused Anne to feel guilty. "I'm sorry.. I just.. I'm under a lot of pressure. I just want to see them again. Do things right this time, ya know?" Anne hurried her head into her knees. "Who am I kidding.. how can I ever see them again..?"

     "Hey, don't say that," Sprig says, hopping closer to her. "We're going to find a way back to Amphibia. We'll save your friends."

     "That's just it," Anne whispers. "I don't know if they can be saved.. As much as it pains me to admit.. Marcy... she got impaled, Sprig." Anne sniffled a little. "And Sasha... who knows what Andrias will do to her..."

     "Anne.." Sprig whispers, wrapping his arms around her. "I had no idea you were so worried.."

     Anne felt tears drip down from her face. "I didn't want to make things harder for you guys," Anne admits, her voice shaking. "I... I just want to get back to Amphibia.. it's like I can't believe they're gone still..."

     "Well.. what if you tried looking for the book Marcy found? The one about the calamity box?"

     Anne immediately perked up. "Sprig! You're a genius!"

     "Heh, thanks. Let's go look for it in the morning-"

     "No way! What if someone checked out the book or something? We have to go now!" Anne says, jumping to her feet and grabbing her backpack.

     "It's 5 a.m. Anne, won't your parents be worried?"

     "They won't know, I'll just check. The library isn't too far," Anne says. "Are you coming?"

     Sprig sighs. "Okay, lemme grab my mask."

     "Nothing!" Anne complains, slamming her face into the pile of books she went through. "Where could that book be?" She peeks at the time. 6:12 a.m. My parents are gonna kill me, she thinks, as she picks up another book on "magic" and flips through it. "Have you found anything yet, Sprig?"

     "No.. I read something about a key that leads to some world called The Boiling Isles or something," Sprig mutters. "Nothing about Amphibia.."

     Anne sighs as she briefly skims through the pages of her book before gasping. "Sprig! I found something!" She excitedly says, as she sees a page with a photo of the calamity box on it, the top of the page marking The Calamity Box, Travel To Other Worlds!!

Anne, with a huge grin on her face, immediately starts scanning the page thoroughly.

The Calamity Box! Travel To Other Worlds! It read. That made Anne pause. Other worlds? She thinks. Besides Amphibia?

The Calamity Box is a box brought from Amphibia. It has the ability to bring a max of 5 people to other worlds. "There's a max?" She asks to Sprig.

"That's a shock," Sprig replies.

"The Calamity Box has the ability to travel to other worlds only when the gems are fully charged from the three temples. Little is known about the calamity box." Anne felt her whole mood crash down. "That's it?!" She flipped to the next page but it had nothing to do with the calamity box. She threw the book onto the floor in frustration as she hurries her head into her hands. "No! We were so close, we finally had a lead! And that was all the book had to say?!"

"Anne, calm down," Sprig whispers.

"No..! Sprig, we have to get back to Amphibia as soon as possible!" Anne shouts, causing a librarian to shush her. But she couldn't help it. She felt tears burn through her eyes as she picked up her backpack and stormed out.

She was so close, yet so far. How much more? She thinks, sadly.

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