Chapter 23- Andrias

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A/N/ Alrighty! So that was a little bit of an intense chapter huh? But we don't get any wholesomeness for a while... so buckle up!

     Disclaimer: this chapter is about Andrias's past! Since there is no canon name for the pink frog and green toad I will be making up names : ) I hope no one gets confused lol

Andrias stood in the library of the palace. Careful, he told himself. You are always being watched. And it was true. The Core had eyes everywhere. Even if Andrias wanted to back out of the invasion, it was much too late.

Did Andrias feel remorseful or guilty? Sort of. Not for the whole invading thing. But he never faked his friendship with Marcy. In fact, he took a great liking to her. Sometimes, things just didn't go the way we wanted to. Like his friendships.

Sure, it was thousands of years ago when it happened, but it's like they say; you don't forget your first friendships.

     Like with Lidia and Tolous. Andrias was a kid at the time, maybe around 300 years old when he met them. "Lidia is your new Royal advisor!" He had been told.

     At the time, Andrias didn't want a royal advisor. Though a young boy, he still had to take the responsibility as King of Newtopia. But of course only he knew the true plan. He had no time to make friends if he was going to finish the job his ancestors started.

     But alas, maybe Lidia would be nice? Andrias didn't know. Sadly, he was quite the tall newt, standing at about ten meters, which was 30 times taller than most newts. But what Andrias saw left him shocked.

     A small pink frog in a little cloak with orange hair. Not a newt? Andrias thought. How peculiar..

     "Hello, King Andrias," she said, bowing down. "I'm Lidia, your advisor."

     "Ah yes, hello Lidia," Andrias said, awkwardly.

     Definitely not a flawless start to their friendship. For the first few weeks she was just proper and fancy. She did indeed help Andrias but on a professional level. Nothing but a professional relationship for them. Until one day...

     The two amphibians sat in the library in silence. Andrias almost felt awkward at the moment as he was thinking to himself about how to get rid of the frog, when she happened to have spoken up.

"Your Majesty, if you don't mind me asking, what are your hobbies and interests?"

Andrias looked down at the tiny frog. "Interests? Hmm... I like Flipwart."

"I love Flipwart," she had said, smiling up at the king. "I'd say I'm quite the expert at it as well."

Andrias smiled down at her, sitting down to get a little bit closer to her height. "Why don't we play a match?" The king offered, pulling a small Flipwart grid from the bookshelf and placing it down. Well, it was still much bigger than the frog but it was the smallest size he had. After all, it was definitely not easy being the biggest newt in Newtopia.

"Lets," She had said.

As they started, Andrias looked at Lidia. "I would have never guessed a frog knowing how to play Flipwart," Andrias said. He hadn't met many frogs before in his defense. But everyone knew newts were the smartest amphibians, toads were strong, and frogs were just simple and humble, like farmers.

"Well, Your Majesty, you shouldn't be too quick to assume so much about frogs," she replied, before knocking over quite a few of Andrias's pawns.

Andrias sat there in complete shock. She was already much in the lead. "Well, of course. Must take a lot of wits for a frog like you to be my advisor."

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