Chapter 16- Anne

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"Anne! Where are you going?!" Her mom yelled, but she bolted out the door. She ran towards the flashing lights and screams.

     "No way," Anne mutters as she finally reached the exit of her neighborhood. In the distance, there was a large flashing blue portal that was open with hundreds of killer bots flying out, immediately attacking the people. "No!" She screams as she attempts to run over to them before getting pulled back.
     "Anne! No!" Her mom shouted, as she pulled her back. Her mom looked horrified as she looked into the distance to see the bots. "There's more?!"

     "Mom, please! People are in danger-"

     "Well what will you do about it?! Let the police handle it!"

     Anne gave a pleasing look to her mom. "My calamity powers! I've started getting the hang of them! I can take out the bots, and-"

     "Anne it's too dangerous!"

     "Mom please!" Anne screams, tears pouring out of her eyes. "There are people in danger! And if there's a portal to Amphibia open right now..."

     Suddenly, the planters ran over to them.

     "What's going on??" Sprig demands.

     "The portal!" HopPop shouts.

     "It's an invasion!" Anne says. "Mom, please! We have to get back to Amphibia! It's our last chance!"

     "I can't lose you again, Anne!" Her mom shouts, gripping her wrist tightly. Her eyes had pain. Of course Anne knew why. She lost her daughter for half a year. She had tears streaming down. "Let's go.. We just can't risk anything right now.."

     Anne hesitated. "I'm sorry, Mom," Anne whispers. She had a choice to make. She roughly grabbed her hand back, causing her mom to fall forward. Suddenly, Anne saw her dad running in the distance. "Come on!" Anne yells at the Planters. She immediately bolts off as fast as she could, which was fairly fast. All that tennis practice coming to good use.

     Anne jumped over a fence, running toward the city with the Planters running beside her.

     "Uhh, did you have a plan?!" Polly screams.

     Anne turned her head a little to see her parents running after her, screaming. Anne had to look away. "The plan is.. to get us to Amphibia!"

    "Oh wow. And what about the plan to survive?!" HopPop asks.

     As if on timing, Anne heard multiple gunshots ringing. As she entered the city part, there were hundreds of thousands of people running around in panic. Many where bumping right into Anne in an attempt to get away.

     "Ah!" Anne shouts, as she falls backwards when being knocked by a person. She roughly stood up again, ducking into the cracks between buildings. Her parents seemed to had gotten lost in the crowd.

    Anne panted roughly as she collapsed onto the floor. "Okay.. we're so close.. we have to get there!" Anne says as she gets up.

     There were police surrounding the portal shooting at the bots, but the bots still flew around and attacked people.

     "Anne?!" Anne heard. "Anne?! Where are you?!"

     "Oh god.." Anne looked at the Planters. "Okay. Here's the plan. We're going to charge to the portal. Let's hope we don't die."

     "Is that the best plan you have?" HopPop asks. Anne peaks out of the crack between buildings. Many bots were destroyed and on the floor, but there were quite a few cops that were injured badly.

     "Oh no.." Anne whispers. Suddenly, a robot looked at Anne. "Shoot!" She shouts. It suddenly aimed a laser towards her. It ended up shooting the building that shielded her before causing it to completely collapse.

     "NO!" She screams, closing her eyes tightly, hugging the Planters. She fully got prepared to be crushed to death, but she slowly opened her eyes seconds later to see the buildings collapsed around her in a perfect circle. She looked up to see her hair glowing blue. "Oh so now you work with me?!"

     Anne slowly walked out from the ruins of the buildings, facing the hundreds of bots.

     It looked like war. The city was cleared up pretty fast as people evacuated. There were cops that fighting the robots. Anne took a deep breath. She quickly picked up Polly, Sprig, and HopPop and flew straight into the portal, flying right past all the robots and police officers.


     She landed roughly onto some dirt floor. She felt dizzy as she looked around. She saw ruins of buildings all around the land with fire around. There were parts of the homes that were destroyed and on the floor. Anne gasped.

     "Is this... WartWood?" HopPop asks.

     Anne felt tears slowly pour from her face. "What happened while we were gone..?"



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