Chapter 17- Sasha

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     Sasha was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the newts. "Olivia! Yunnan!" Sasha exclaims, taking a small step backwards. Who knew what they'd do to her. She didn't have the time to deal with this. They both looked the same as before, except their hair was messy and their clothes were in tattered. Jeez, what happened to them? Sasha thinks.

     "No need to look so scared," Olivia says, laughing in a mocking tone. "Though we don't like you, we're going to need you."

     "Ha, that's funny. Well I can't, I have to do something," Sasha says sharply. She tries to take a step but falls forward immediately from the pain in her ankles.

     She gets pulled up by Grime as Olivia and Yunnan ran over to her.

     "Careful," Olivia chides. "This is really messy bandaging." She pulls up Sasha's shirt a little and unravels one of the bandage wraps to show a large cut across Sasha's chest. Oh. That's what's been hurting. "Oh dear.." She mutters, picking up one of the stitching medical needles. "Don't tell me this was Marcy."

     Sasha flinched at the mention of her. "How did you know that..?" Sasha mutters.

     Yunnan and Olivia looked at each other nervously. "We were with her when it happened."

     Sasha's eyes widened. "What?! What happened to her?! Is there a way to snap her out of it?"

     "It's more complicated than that.." Yunnan sighs. "We tried to save her. We really did. But we were caught by Andrias. We then witnessed her getting possessed before we got locked away. We did manage to escape but it was a living nightmare these past days looking for you."

     Sasha nodded sadly as Olivia finished doing the last stitch on her chest before wrapping it up again.

     "Take it easy," Olivia says as she helped her up onto the bed again. "Marcy... she's definitely still in there. She convinced the core to spare me and Yunnan.."

     "It was the helmet that really enclosed The Core into her," Yunnan adds. "I don't know for sure.. but maybe if we tried taking the helmet off of her?"

     "Really?" Sasha asks, as Olivia bandaged her ankle. "So we really have a chance of getting her back..?"

     "Well Sasha.." Grime says. "No newt that's been used as the host has ever gotten back to normal. Marcy, she isn't-"

     "Grime! We have to try!" Sasha turned to the two newts. "Listen.. I know what I did was horrible.. I just... all I can focus now is saving my friends. Please... can we just forget about what I did for now? Once it's all over, you can do what you want with me."

     Olivia sighed. "Sasha, what you did wasn't good. In fact it was down right evil. And I don't know if I can trust you yet.. but I know I half to. Because you are the one with the calamity powers right now."

     Sasha froze. "What do you mean..?"

     "The box.. it has to be recharged again. Which means you're connected to the stone again. And according to Marcy, you were the one to had completed the strength temple."

     "So... you're saying I have the powers like Anne??"

     "Pretty much so. But by the looks of it, your friend Anne didn't have control over the powers. But we will help you figure yours out. But there's only one issue," Olivia said.

     "And what's that?"

     "If you have your calamity powers now... Marcy does too. Or rather, the core."

     Sasha froze. "Oh no... who knows what it'll do!" She looked Olivia and Yunnan deep in the eyes. "Please.. help me use my powers, or even just to turn them on."

     Yunnan nods, grinning. "Olivia can handle the medical smarty smart stuff, but if there's one thing I know, it's training and combat."

     "That's two things."

     Yunnan smiles. "I like you, human. Once you're healed up, let's get ready."

     Sasha smiled back. "Okay!"

    A/N/ I got another 150 reads in just one day! Thank you to everyone that's supporting me and my fanfiction. Just a heads up, as of now we won't be getting Marcy POVs until I say so cause she is currently not alive 😀 anyways ily all! <3

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