Chapter 45- Marcy ~ Final Battle Part 3

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Marcy took a step forward, in front of her friends. They were in this situation because of her. So she would be the one to fix it.

"Marcy!" Anne shouts. "What are you doing?!"

Marcy turned back. Luckily, The Planters were by her side. Marcy smiled at Anne, like a 'I got this' kind of smile. Did she really have the situation under control? Nah.

"Ah, Marcy! We missed you!" The Core spoke. The 12 eyes stared at her. Creepy. "Come back to us, we need you."

Marcy crossed her arms. Completely un-phased. "Yeah, I'm good. I didn't love being your little meat puppet."

Suddenly, it quickly extended its arm, grabbing Marcy's leg. It snatched her quickly to it, dangling her upsidedown. "Whoa!" Marcy exclaims. Her head kind of hurt. She was still pretty weak.

"Marcy!!" She heard. She turned her head. She saw her friends on the floor, looking horrified. Suddenly, Yunnan raised up her arm, revealing she had Marcy's crossbow. She shot it, the arrow spiraling right at Marcy. Marcy thought she was gonna die for a second, but it instead hit the arm that was holding Marcy captive. It suddenly let go of Marcy, causing her to fall onto the floor, face first. Fantastic.

"Marcy! Take it!" Yunnan shouts, throwing the crossbow to Marcy. Marcy jumped to her feet, stumbling to catch it. Oh how she missed this. Even if Andrias was the one to give it to her.

Marcy took the crossbow, immediately turning back and shooting it at The Core. It's arm swatted it away, unfortunately. Suddenly, Marcy heard screaming. She turned back to see all of her friends and allies on the ground, completely lifeless. Blood covered the ground, and in Marcy's hand was a sword, drenched in a red substance. "No.." Marcy whispers, her eyes welling up with tears. She was completely paralyzed.

Marcy's eyes suddenly widened. "This isn't real," she whispers. She turned back to The Core. "I'm not going to fall for your stupid illusions!"

Everything suddenly returned to normal. "Hm.. perhaps we were going too easy on you," it spoke. It suddenly extended its arm in a rapid speed, grabbing Marcy by her hair and pulling her up.

"AHH!" Marcy shrieks in pains it hurt horribly. It suddenly threw her onto the floor hard, leaving a large crater on the ground, Marcy in the middle of it. Her entire body hurt, and she felt her ankle broken. She weakly tried to stand up, but she fell forward instead. Come on, Marcy.. your friends had faith in you, she thinks. Don't let them down..

Marcy somehow managed to stand up. The arm went straight for her again, but luckily she managed to dodge it. She shot her crossbow onto the head of The Core. The arrow pulled her into it as she attached it onto herself. As she landed on the head, she pulled out one of the arrows. With all her force, she dug the arrow into the head. It did manage to pierce through slightly, but The Core just grabbed Marcy off of it, throwing her into the ground head first.

As the pain sept in, Marcy felt herself losing consciousness quickly. She didn't mean for it, but her eyes slowly closed, her breath rigid.

But suddenly, she heard a voice. A soft one. "You're really going to give up?"

Marcy's eyes flew open. She looked around. She was definitely not at the palace ruins.. instead.. she was in some white void. It seemed to go on forever. "Aw man, did I die?" Marcy asks, rubbing her eyes as she slowly sat up.

"Actually, no," the voice says. "But you are definitely dying. I'm here to help though."

Marcy turned around to the noise of the voice. A pink frog stood there, small cloak and cute orange hair. She instantly reminded Marcy of Sprig. Wow. That would be the second pink frog she's ever seen. "Hello," Marcy says, waving at her.

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