Chapter 37- Sasha

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Sasha slumped onto the floor, panting heavily. At least she got out of that dark and wet basement. She and Olivia sat outside in the palace garden, Yunnan going scouting for some food or supplies for them to use. Sasha held onto Marcy tightly. "Olivia, will she be okay?" Sasha asks.

"I'm not sure what happened to her.. but she seems to be alive, child. Let's let time show us the answer."

Sasha sighed. Leave it to Olivia to talk in riddles in times of crisis. Sasha looks down at Marcy. She felt really conflicted. She wasn't angry anymore. She wasn't upset anymore. Honestly all she wanted was to go home, better yet see the look on Anne's face when she realizes Marcy is back. Or her parents face when she's back.

     Sasha hesitated. Her parents..?

     Sasha remembered it vividly, despite being five years ago. She was 8 at the time, still young and full of potential. It was just a normal day. Her personal driver drove her back to her home. Her parents were arguing. Sasha didn't like it but at this point she was use to it. It kinda happened. She just walked past it, going to her room. She was just video calling Marcy and Anne to keep her company.

     "What's that noise? Who's it coming from?" Anne had asked.

     "It's not me. Sasha?" Marcy asked.

     Sasha hesitated. "Yeah it's me.. sorry guys it's just my parents they're talking. Is it that loud?"

     "Don't worry Sash," Anne had said. "Anyways where was I? Then my mom said, 'but you can have carrot sticks and trail mix.'"

     Sasha kind of spaced out by then. She could only overhear her parents yelling. She started putting all her focus onto it.





     Sasha gasped. She turned to her friends, tears welling up in her eyes. "Sash?" Marcy asked.

     "Sash are you feeling alright?" Anne asked.

      Sasha nodded, crying a little. "I have to go girls, sorry." She ended the call quickly before peaking out of her room. Pitch quiet. She tried to run downstairs but one of the maids stopped her in her tracks.

     "Sasha, please, your mother asked me to keep you in your room-" Sasha just slid past her, running at full force to the doors where she saw her father leaving with a suit case.

      "DAD!" She screams, running to him.

      He kneeled down to be at Sasha's height. "I'm going to go.. I'll see you soon, kiddo," he promised. What a lie.

      Sasha got pulled back by her mom. "Come on, Sweetie," her mom whispered in tears. Sasha cried into her mom's shirt, hugging her. That was the day her life changed forever.

      "Olivia! Sasha!" Yunnan yells, running to them clutching a towel and some food.

       "Mhm?" Sasha mutters.

      "I found some food and this towel for Marcy," she explains, handing the wet towel to Sasha. Sasha folded it into a small portion before placing it onto Marcy's forehead.

      "I'm worried for her," Sasha says, sighing. "Back home, Marcy was never super athletically strong."

      Yunnan and Olivia looked at each other and laughed slightly. "Tell me about it," Olivia says between laughter.

      "One time Olivia and I were trying to bring books to the library and she offered to help. The second she picked up the stack of books she immediately dropped them all."

      "I remember that!" Olivia says, holding onto Yunnan's hand tightly. "I took a liking to her from that day onward."

     "Because we finally found someone weaker than you?" Yunnan teases.

      "Back home," Sasha says, "I convinced Marcy to do cheer with me. She tried to lift me up but ended up dropping me. I landed on her and she broke her arm." Silence. "She's fineeee," Sasha reassures. "You'd be shocked how often she broke bones."

     Olivia laughed a little. "That's our Marcy."

     Sasha smiled. She liked Yunnan and Olivia. They were so sweet. They really did view Marcy as their child.

     Sasha suddenly heard loud crashing, which vibrates the whole palace. Pieces of the roof started crumbling. "Oh no.." Sasha whispers. "Don't tell me.."

     "Anne!" Yunnan and Olivia shout as they jump to their feet. Sasha picked Marcy up again using her calamity powers.

"We have to find her!" Sasha yells as she runs into the crumbling palace.

"Wait, Sasha! This palace is going down! You can't!" Yunnan yells, grabbing her arm.

Sasha hesitates. "But Anne! She-"

"We have to get out! Now!" Olivia yells, looking up at the ceiling which was a second from collapsing.

Sasha turned to the source of the noise. This time, we're all going home together. Nobody left behind. She quickly handed Marcy to Yunnan. "I'll meet you at the river of Newtopia okay?" She promises. "I'll meet you there with Anne."

Yunnan and Olivia hesitated. "Okay.. just be safe," Olivia says before pulling Yunnan away as they ran out of the palace. So that was that. It was time for Sasha to fix things.

Sasha ran through the hallway towards the noises. "Anne?!" She yells, running as fast as she could towards the noise. Every second she felt more and more like she was going to die this time. There were only so many times she could be lucky enough to get out of a killer situation. This.. this was not the time.



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