Chapter 25- Sasha

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Apologize you loser! Sasha thinks to herself. "Anne, I.." She froze. Just say it! "I... I'm really sorry for what went down at Newtopia.. I-"

Anne looked at Sasha with a irritated expression. "Look, Sasha," Anne started. "I don't trust you. I don't know if I ever can again. What you did was horrible... and every time I think you changed, you always surprise me. Not this time." Anne looked away from her before signing. It hurt Sasha to hear those words but she was completely ready for it. "But.. I do need your help.. to save Marcy."

"Anne," Sasha replied back, slowly. Trying to say it in more of a sympathetic tone. "Marcy, she's being controlled by The Core-"

"I know.." Anne whispered. "I- I... fought her.."

Anne looked like she was any second from crying. Sasha knew this was a dumb move but she placed her hand on Anne's. "Hey.. it'll be okay, Anne," Sasha said, softly. "Marcy.. she.. when I fought her... she resisted. She managed to stop for just long enough to let me escape." Sasha slowly took one of her hands and covered her eye, the one that got taken out. "I know.. I know she is in there. We can save her-"

"No Sash!" Anne yelled. "She.. she gave up! She's apart of them now! How can we save her now? There... I just don't know how.. and The Planters, they got captured! I just don't know what to do anymore, Sash!"

Now Anne was definitely crying. Sasha was too at this point. Sasha pulled Anne into a tight hug, patting her back. "Anne.." Sasha's eyes widened. "The helmet! We have to remove her helmet!"

Anne pulled away. "Marcy's? What will that do?"

"Lady Olivia and Yunnan.. I ran into them. They were there when it happened, it was the helmet that really got the core into her. Maybe it'll get her back if we remove it!"

"Wait, really?!" Anne exclaimed, her hopes shooting up. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go now!" Anne said, standing up before immediately collapsing.

"Hey, Anne.. take it easy. We have to take a break," Sasha said, before immediately freezing. Practice what you preach, Sasha, her inner voice chided her. Shut up, Sasha thought in response. Sasha helped Anne up as Anne looked at Sasha.

"We don't have time for this," Anne insisted. "And if you got your calamity powers back.. Marcy did too. It's only a matter of time before she figures out how to use them!"

     "I know..  but how can we win if you're hurt?" Sasha whispered. "And I'm not super good with medical stuff.. that would be up Marcy's ally."

     Anne sighed. "I'm fine.. I can stand up," Anne says, standing up successfully but her legs shaking.

     "Are you sure you're okay?" Sasha asks suspiciously. "You know, you can trust me to-" Sasha froze. Trust.

     "I'm fine, Sasha," Anne says, with an angry look on her face. "Listen.. after this.. after we save Marcy and get home... we're done. Okay?"

     Sasha nodded sadly. "Of course.." so the two girls jumped onto Joe Sparrow once again, soaring towards Newtopia.

     Oh god, Sasha thinks. I'm not ready for this.

     A/N/ HIII! First of all, happy Lunar New Years/ Chinese New Years, and Tết to everyone that celebrates it! Second of all, you guys might wanna prepare yourself for the next few chapters... it's definitely going to be heart wrenching.

     Should I kill off some characters? 😀

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