Chapter 18- Anne

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     Anne stood up as she gazed around WartWood, or what was left of it. No frog was in sight.

     "Bessie!" HopPop cries as he starts running in the direction of their home. Anne followed after him along side Polly and Sprig. It didn't take long for them to reach the ruins of their home. Anne turned and saw the barn. It seemed to be ashy but still standing.

     Anne and The Planters ran over to it immediately, pushing open the heavy door to find Bessie and MicroAngelo just sitting at their usual spot, eating grass and bugs along side Joe Sparrow.

     HopPop sighed as he rushed over and gave the snails hugs.

     "Oh thank goodness!" He cried as  Anne sighed in relief.

     She walked over to Joe Sparrow and patted his head. "Hey buddy! Marcy's going to be so excited to see you-" she froze. "Right. Do you know where everyone is?"

     "Squawk!" He chirped.

     Anne laughed just a little. "Right, of course." She turned to The Planters. "Alright gang, what's the goal? Besides defeating King Andrias and finding Sasha and Marcy."

     "Well, we should probably start with Newtopia," HopPop says. "That's where we saw them last. We could find a clue there."

     "That's true.." Anne sighs. "What if Sasha got captured by Andrias along side Marcy?"

     "Then we'll fight him! I mean you almost obliterated him last time you saw each other. You have a little better control of your powers now!" Sprig points out.

     "But what about those bots? They're still attacking all the people back home! He must have hundreds of them."

     "We have to find all the frogs!" Polly says. "What about all the frogs that depended on you, Anne? On us!"

     "We will save them but first things first is to get to Newtopia!" HopPop says. "Listen, Anne. We aren't really all for plans anyways. Let's just get there and figure things out. Lucky for us, Joe Sparrow is right here."

     Anne sighed. "You're right." She turned to the bird. "Hey. Mind giving us a lift to Newtopia? You know where that is, right?"

     Joe chirped as he leaned down. Anne hopped on along with Sprig, Polly, and HopPop. Joe said something to the snails before taking off into the direction of Newtopia.

     Anne sighed as they soared through the sky. "I hope you're safe, girls.." She mutters. But she knew that was unlikely.

     A/N/ Sorry to cut this chapter short! I hope everyone's enjoying the fanfiction! It's actually kind of getting a lot of views and I'm so grateful <3


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