Chapter 41- Sasha

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     A/N/ This chapter will have some minor child neglect mentions. If this is a trigger, I'd recommend skipping. You have been warned.

"This is perfect!" Sasha exclaims. "This has to jog Marcy's memory!"

"You're right!" Anne says, excitedly. She looked at Marcy. "Feeling anything?"

"Not really," Marcy admits.

Sasha sighs. "Okay, well let's follow her!" Sasha says as kid Marcy runs right past them. Sasha started running after her as Anne just picked Marcy up in a piggy back ride style, running after her.

Sasha saw kid Marcy pull the doorknob to her house, before entering and closing the door. Sasha was about to reach over to open the knob but Anne put one hand out in front of her. "Watch this!" Anne says as she took a step forward, going straight through the door.

"Whoa," Sasha says before slowly stepping forward as well, walking straight through the door. "That's sick."

"I've had some experience," Anne says, smirking.

Marcy looked over at Sasha. "What's going on?"

"We got transferred into your past with Anne's powers," Sasha says. "We're hoping it can jog your memory a bit?"

Marcy hopped off. She didn't seem in a super good condition to walk but she didn't seem comfortable either. "Oh.. okay," she says, quietly.

Kid Marcy excitedly rummaged through her backpack, pulling out random things before taking out an envelope. "Mom?" She calls. "Dad?" She started walking around the house. Sasha kind of enjoyed looking around Marcy's neat and small house. She never been over before.. wonder why.

     "What's that envelope? It looks so familiar," Sasha asks Anne.

     "Oh! Those are our report cards in our elementary school I'm pretty sure," Anne says. "I remember hiding mine in my drawer.

     "I threw mine into the fire place," Sasha says as Anne and her laughed together. Felt good to fail as long as you failed with friends.

     Sasha and Anne followed kid Marcy through the house as she ran over to her mom, pulling the hand of her mom. "Mom! Look, I got all a's!"

     Her mom was an average 5'4 woman, black hair pulled into a low bun and a crap ton of makeup on. She wore a short skirt black dress and heels. "Uh huh?" She says to her phone. She looked down at Marcy, shaking her off her hand. "Not now," she says, before returning to the call. "Yeah," she says to the person on the phone, laughing. "I'd love to go out today. The club right?"

     Marcy just stood there patiently. She kept scanning through all the a's she got, a bright smile on her face. Sasha frowned. What was wrong with her mom?

     Her mother quickly ended the call before looking down at Marcy. "Oh. Hi. What did you say?"

     "All a's!" Marcy repeats, showing her mom the report card full of a's. She smiled excitedly, looking up hopefully at her mother.

     "Oh, uh.. that's... good I guess. But you know, elementary school is easy to pass, so don't go thinking you are special."

     Marcy's smile melted. "What do you mean?"

     "Any kid can pass elementary," her mom repeated. "Anyways, I have to be somewhere.. tell your dad I'll be at work."

     Marcy frowned. "Aw.. okay."

     Sasha frowned. That was horrible. She never knew Marcy's parents were like that. She met them a few times but they were always sweet. If Sasha had all a's even once, her mom would be proud.

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