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(((NOTE: sorry for the late update busy with some work as it is the end of the year from now will be regular)))

It has been two days since Ahaan went to London for his client meeting, Ishqi was missing him badly, Ahaan day starts with seeing Ishqi and ends with her seeing in the video call and vice versa, Ahaan told it was two days trip but it was extended due to some issues, Since a day Ahaan was not calling to Ishqi, Ishqi was feeling tensed...


what happened to Ahaan?

why is not calling me?

Has anything happened to him?

No, Ishqi doesn't think so much, he will be busy with his work that's why he has not called you...but I am missing him badly I want to see him...I will call him ( Ishqi calls him but the phone is switched off)why the phone is switched off...wait I will call Karthik and ask him...

Ishqi and Karthik convo:

Ishqi: hi Karthik

Karthik: Hi no Bhabhi...

Ishqi: what are you doing...

Karthik: nothing I'm just trying a new recipe...

Ishqi: Okay did Ahaan call you

Karthik: ooo already missing my brother how much love...

Ishqi: no joking Karthik, I tried to call him but it's said switched off...

Karthik: Bhai didn't call anyone today...I think he must be busy...he will call you don't worry Bhabhi.

Ishqi: okay, if he calls say him to call me...

Karthik: Okay bye...

Ishqi: Bye...

Karthik POV:

I also missed my brother, but I know he is planning something to surprise Ishqi, he called me morning and told have a place near some hilly area and decorate it so that, he can propose to my Bhabhi...So I have decorated it...and now I need to execute the plan...even though Ishqi called me about Bhai, I know she is a worry but I need to execute the plan...let's start...

After two hours...

Karthik called Ishqi with another number...and some other voice...

Ishqi: hello...

Karthik: did you know Ahaan...

Ishqi: yes...what happened to everything fine...who are you?

Karthik: I will send the address please come fast...

Ishqi: (sob escapes from her mouth)okay Ahaan is fine is right...

Karthik cuts the call...and sends the address...

Karthik: god I executed it.....done...


Ishqi is sobbing, runs out of the house with the scooter keys, but it didn't start...she took the auto the auto, she is continuously praying nothing should happen to Ahaan because he is her life...she reached the place she paid to the auto and started walking...calling Ahaan's name continuously...she reached a place there was a packet written: "If you want to meet your Ahaan wear this and come, to the right you will find rest area you change their".

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