In A World Of 7 Billion People, You Managed To Find Me..."

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Listen To: 'Losing You' by Wonho & 'Just One Day' by BTS
"You're serious?" I laugh out. He's got to be joking. I haven't even met his mom. None of their parents actually. We had it all planned... before. But after everything happened, I just wasn't ready and now he's saying his mom can come stay the night with me here at our home.

"Yes, I'm serious," he tells me. Namjoon's hand squeezes my thigh and he looks over at me.

"How about you guys go ahead and talk about this privately. Let us know what you work out and we can go from there," he says. I stand up from the table without really saying anything and make my way to my bedroom. I hear him push his chair back and follow me. Once we reach the room, he closes the door behind him and sits on my desk while I sit on the couch.

"Okay, let's hear it," I tell him.

"My family already knows about you; about our relationship," he tells me. I shake my head and my brows furrow.

"Wait, what?" I say. "Since when?" I ask. He smiles softly at me and rolls my chair across the hardwood floor toward me on the couch.

"I told them while you were in the hospital. I just, I couldn't hide it. My Eomma called me before we went to go see you, before we knew if you were okay, and I just broke down while I was on the phone with her. I hope you don't mind," he tells me. My heart breaks listening to him.

"I explained the whole situation. I told her that I love you and that I'm happy and that I wasn't looking for her or my Apa's acceptance but I would like it if she could be understanding. She actually responded really well. She said that what you and I did or didn't do in our relationship was none of her business and as long as I was happy, that was all that mattered," He continues.

"She has called everyday to ask about you. Every single day. I told her about what happened, not in complete detail but she knows the basic facts. She was so worried about you. She's been asking if she can come see you since the day you came home. She wants to come cook for you, help you with stuff at home, and just make sure you're ok. She knows you don't have any family here and wants to be there for you; for us," he says.

I have never had a positive relationship with a parent so this is all so new to me; someone caring about my wellbeing and health. It makes me happy to hear that she's accepting and understanding of our situation. It takes the wonder out of how she will take it when we do meet.

"I am glad to hear that she took it well. But, Yoongi my hangugeo is mediocre. I don't know how we will communicate effectively when she doesn't speak English and I don't want her to think I'm disrespectful. I just don't know how it would work," I tell him.

"You don't give yourself the credit you deserve. You've been studying for hours every day and your tutor says you are doing incredibly well. You communicate with staff and us and your other clients in Korean and we all think you are doing amazing. You wouldn't need to communicate too much either way; she would just be here to make sure you're okay and it's just for one night. She's been nagging me every single day about meeting you, she would love this," he tells me as he reaches out for my hands and pulls me toward him. I get up off the couch and land on his lap. He is right, it would just be for one night and I'd be working the majority of the day time. And, while I hate to admit it, being alone in the house isn't something I was looking forward to. Especially since we've only been in this house for 6 weeks and it still doesn't quite feel like home.

"Okay," I sigh out. His face lights up and he brings his hands up to my jaw and pulls me in for a kiss.

"She's going to be so excited El. Let's call her," he says happily. I smile just out of sheer joy of seeing him so happy. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts dialing. He puts it on speaker and I hear her pick up the phone. He starts conversing with her casually, asking about her day and how she's doing. Then he asks her if she has any plans for the next couple of days. She responds with no and then he asks her if she can do him a favor (thankfully my understanding of the language is much better than the actual speaking part).

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now