"Hello, My Soulmate..."

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Listen To: "SoulMate" by Zico ft. IU
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

I stand in front of the door, taking another deep breath, hyping myself up. I can and I will do this. I'm doing this for me, for them, for us. I gulp down the knot in my throat and knock on the door. I hear movements from behind the door and shortly after, it swings open and they're standing in front of me.



Damnit. It was a wrong choice, I knew I shouldn't let her go in there but she's stubborn and she's my boss. It's not like I could say no to her. I've come to know her as a friend and I value and respect her but this is wrong. I know it is. I keep looking down at my watch, 6 minutes in. I gave her 10. If she's not down here in 10, I'm going up there and pulling her out. I don't care how angry she gets.

Movement coming from behind me catches my eye and I see 3 police officers running in to the building and my stomach drops. Shit. My stomach drops and I just know that something has happened and the first thing I think about is how much they're going to kick my ass if anything happens to her. I grab my phone, turn off the ignition and follow the officers into the building.


"What are you doing here?" She asks me. The smug smile on her face as she leans on the doorframe makes me want to slap it off her. I try and control my rage, not wanting to give her the upper hand. Don't want her to know that she infuriates me that much.

"I came to talk to you," I tell her.

"What could you possibly have to say to me?" Her voice so sickeningly condescending that it makes my jaw tense.

"Cut the shit Nabi, you know what I want to talk to you about," I tell her. "I want you to stay the fuck away from my boyfriends. Especially Namjoon. Stay the hell away from Namjoon," I tell her. She throws her head back and she laughs. She fucking laughs. I don't think I've ever felt so much burning hatred for anyone in my whole life.

"What's wrong Eleanor? Found out your boyfriend has been sleeping with me since before you came around to ruin everything?" She asks me. I can read her. I know what she's trying to do and I knew that she would try and gaslight me into believing her.

"Fuck off. He isn't 'sleeping' with you. He 'slept' with you 3 times and then he realized he wanted me and threw you out like the trash that you are. You meant nothing to him then and continue to mean absolutely nothing to him," I tell her, my blood boiling. I can feel my heartbeat in my ears, my whole body on fire with rage.

"Oh, that's the story he gave you?" She says with a giggle. "You're so naive Eleanor. He told you that because you're so stupidly lost on him that he knows you'd believe any thing he told you. You're so vapid. So stupid," she tells me and I can feel my nails digging into my palms, my anger manifesting outwardly now.

"Let me tell you the real story," she spits out. "He didn't just fuck me Eleanor, he made love to me. He told me I made him feel so good. Said no one had ever made him feel as good as I did. He worshipped my body and imagine my surprise when he made me call him daddy," she tells me with a smile. "I really didn't take him as a kinky dom, but I gave him everything he asked for. He's got a really great dick, right? The biggest I've ever had. He was really impressed by how much of him I could take. Kept telling me I was such a good girl for him. Did he tell you that the first time was in his studio?" She asks me smugly.

My heart is slamming against my chest and I can feel the heat on my ears. I've never felt so much anger in my life. Every single worry I had she's confirming. He spoke to her like he speaks to me? Called her his good girl? There is no way she's telling the truth. I try and center myself. 'Don't let her get to you. Don't let her have the upper hand,' I tell myself. I see her turn her head and smile at someone inside her apartment. I don't know who it is and honestly, I don't care.

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