"One Day We Will Finally Come Back Home..."

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Listen To: "Sweet Home" by Dept ft.  nobody likes you pat & Sonny Zero
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

"What are you doing?" I scream. "Why? What?" I am so fucking livid, I can't form a sentence. "What the hell are you doing?" I yell out.

The last thing I thought I'd see when I opened the door to the studio was Nabi with her hands on my boyfriend. Her body pressed against his, her nose touching his, so close that I'm wondering how far it went. The mere thought of her putting her mouth anywhere near him filling me with a rage that's so overwhelming that I feel like I'm going to explode. His hands are on her shoulders, seemingly trying to push her away but her hands are on him, the fabric of his shirt balled in her fists and the only thing I want to do right now is get her as far away from him as possible.

"Why the fuck are you touching him?" I yell, a little louder with each passing word. I take a step forward, determined to push her away but before I can get close enough to rip her hands away from him, I feel a pair of arms around my waist pulling me back, holding me firmly against them. I start thrashing against them, trying to get away; screaming at them to let me go, my jealousy and anger blinding me. I need to get her hands off of him; I can't bare to see her touching him. He's mine and I don't want her anywhere near him. I need to get her out of here NOW.

"Shhh baby, shhhh. Please, calm down. It's me. Listen to me, it's me. Please baby, please," I hear Hoseok's voice in my ear and feel an instant sense of reality hitting me.

"That's it Princess. Deep breathes," he continues to talk me; his voice calming me out of my rage. I stop fighting against him but my chest is heaving and I feel like I can't get in enough air.

"Eleanor," I hear and I turn to my left to see Seokjin standing next to me. Hobi's arms are still firmly around my waist. "I know you're upset but I need you to just take a deep breath. People will hear you and we can't have them coming up here," he reminds me.

"What's going on in here? Eleanor, are you okay?" I hear Yoongi's voice on the other side of us. I look back at Namjoon and Nabi; who's hands have now moved off of him but is still standing way to close for my comfort. Namjoon looks absolutely out of his mind; pale and unmoving.

"Get, THE FUCK, away from him, NOW," I tell her, keeping my voice as low as I can while still letting the venom hit each word I speak to her.

"Eleanor," she says.

"Don't," I warn her.

"I just—" she tries again.

"Did you—" I start.

"Eleanor," I hear Yoongi say, his hand grabbing my arm, trying to convince me not to ask the question that we are all quite certain I will not like the answer to.

"Did you kiss him?" I ask, ignoring Yoongi's request. She looks at me and I don't even need a response. The way her eyebrow arches and a slight smirk crosses her face, I know what the answer is.

"씨발년" I say to her. I have never, been so infuriated in my whole life. "Get the fuck out," I tell her. "Get the fuck out now before I drag you out," I grit through my clenched teeth.

"Namjoon-ah," she says as she turns to look at him, fluttering her lashes at him.

"DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT HIM!" I yell, completely irate. "Don't look at him. Don't touch him. Don't even breathe near him," I scream. I've never felt so much indignant hatred. I have felt moments of jealousy throughout my relationships but this, this is nothing like I've ever felt before. I feel physically sick at the thought of her near him.  I feel Hobi squeeze my torso tighter, holding me back from the absolute belligerent behavior I'm about to unleash.

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