"Nothing Feels Better Than Loving You..."

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Listen To: "In To You" by JayB ft. g1nger
[Reminder to please assume conversations are in Korean]

"Just try and breathe," Hoseok tells me as he rubs my back. I'm bent over the toilet and all of the contents of my stomach have been emptied.

"Just go Hobi. This is gross. You don't have to sit here and—" I don't even get to finish before I vomit again. Once I'm done, I pick my head up and start seeing stars; dizziness taking over.

"I'm pretty sure I'm done now," I tell him. I get up, flush the toilet, and stumble as I try and go to the sink to brush my teeth. Hobi's arm instinctively goes around me and catches me before I fall.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, worriedly.

"Yeah, just dizzy and my head hurts," I respond. "I need to brush my teeth," I say to him. He nods at me and smiles and then walks out of the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and let out a deep sigh.

The post isn't even that upsetting; I can't deny what life was like and who I was before I moved here. Life in the US is VERY different from life here. The part that upsets me more than anything, is the "revolving door of men" line. I haven't met Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon's parents; I can't even imagine what they're going to think of me after reading a post like that. They're going to hate me and want me as far away from their son's as possible. Especially Jungkook's Eomma.... Fuck, this is just so shitty.

I finish brushing my teeth and I go into my closet to change into comfy clothes; one of Yoongi's big black hoodies. I step out and see them all sitting on my bed. Jimin pats the bed next to him, motioning at me to sit between him and Namjoon. I sit on the bed and drape my legs over Jimin's lap and rest my head on his shoulder, letting his fingers trace up and down my back softly.

"You know that none of those things are true right? None of the things they wrote describe you at all," Jimin says to me, his head leaned onto mine.

"I know. I just worry because I don't want your families reading these things about me. I'm going to just draft up a generic social media post for tomorrow," I tell him.

"Our families know better than to believe what the media says," Taehyung adds.

"Yeah," I say. The pounding in my head is blinding and I close my eyes to try and subside the throbbing.

"Okay how about we all let Eleanor get some rest," Seokjin says to the room. They each give me hugs and kisses and wish me a goodnight; telling me that if I need anything to let them know. Taehyung asks if he can stay with me and I, of course, say yes.

"You didn't eat anything for dinner and whatever you did eat, you vomited it out. Do you want me to make you something small?" Yoongi asks me.

"No, I am not hungry at all," I tell him. "Thank you though," I say. He leans in to kiss my cheek and tells me good night.

Once they've all left, Taehyung fluffs up my pillows and get's the bed situated for us. He turns on my playlist, dims the lights and pulls me into bed with him. I get comfortable and lay my head against his chest as he plays with my hair. I slowly start to give into the tiredness; my body exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster.

"I'm sorry," I hear him whisper. "I'm sorry that I can't protect you from this life. I wish I could. God, I really wish I could,"

It's the last thing I hear before being engulfed by darkness.


"Can you place that desk over there in the front room, please" I instruct the delivery men to the space where Taek has told me he'd like to set up his office area. I take a sip of the coffee Taek got for us. I haven't had a macchiato in so long so I'm savoring the sweetness from the caramel. I still haven't had an appetite from last night so I'm welcoming the flavor into my stomach.

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