"You Gave Up Heaven So We Could Be Together..."

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Listen To: "Angel Baby" by Troye Sivan

I wake up the next morning, way before my alarm; my nerves not letting me get much rest. Taehyung comforted me all night. He used words to try and reassure me that everything would be fine; his body filling in where words failed as he pleasured me in ways only he can. Kissing me, cuddling me, and telling me he loves me, even in his sleep. I look at him, run my thumb across his cheek and decide to let him sleep since he doesn't need to be up for another 25 minutes or so. I grab my robe and head into my bathroom.

Today is going to be a busy day; I have therapy this morning, my shoot with Stray Kids and then meeting Taehyung's family. I turn on the water and crank it to be as hot as it can go, praying that the heat will help ease my tense muscles. I walk in and stand underneath the water, a exacerbated sigh escaping my lips. I close my eyes and try and relax. After a few moments, I open my eyes to see Hoseok standing at my door; smiling at me.

"Come here," I tell him. He pulls his shirt over his head and tosses them aside, his pants following. He walks into the shower and his hands immediately go around my hips, pulling me impossibly close to him. His lips find mine and his tongue licks into my mouth. He feels unreal; you know when you're craving something and all you can think about it having it? Then when you do, it's the most satisfying and amazing feeling. That's what he feels like. I've been missing him and craving him and now that I'm finally getting to taste him, I want to indulge in him.

He's moving differently today; there's no teasing, no dirty talk, no hardness or roughness. He's soft and gentle and keeps whispering 'I love you's' in between each open mouthed kiss on my body; tender and sweet. He turns me around, kissing his way from my chest to my back, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses on the nape of my neck. He wraps an arm around my waist and with the other motions for me to put my foot on the rest meant for shaving, on the shower wall. I feel my whole body shiver, the anticipation of feeling him inside of me again. His free hand moves back behind me and I feel him pumping himself, his tip occasionally hitting my ass as he brings himself to full hardness. I feel his mouth against my ear; soft pants and soft whispers lingering against my skin.

"This okay, Princess?" He asks me and it catches me off guard. He seems almost unsure of himself and what he's doing. I turn my face back to him and bring my arm up and over to cup his jaw as I pull him to me and kiss him.

"Yes, Hob-ah. Please, I want you," I whisper into his mouth.

"Want to make you feel so good Princess. Want you to know how much I missed you and how much I love you," he says to me; his mouth pressing against my shoulder.

"Show me baby, please. Show me how much," I mutter into his hair. I push my hips back against him, coming up onto my tiptoes and pushing myself forward as I feel him bring his tip to my core; my whole body tingling, waiting to feel the familiar fullness of him being buried deep inside of me. He pushes himself into me and I let out a gasp. He lets out a deep, guttural moan as he sinks in, feeling instantly complete. Everything I was missing, has been found.

The way he moves his hips against me; so pliant and needy, seemingly desperate to be closer and deeper within me. I can't seem to come down from the high of him; magical, overpowering, searing satisfaction coursing through my whole body. My hands tangle in his wet hair behind me, pulling his mouth onto my neck frantically. He thrusts into me deliberate but savoring the feeling of each push and pull of his body into mine, connecting us more than just physically but in a way that's more intimate than we've ever experienced. I'm so used to his dominating side, but this, the romantic, sweet love making he's doing right now, it's otherworldly.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now