"Please Come Back Into My Arms Again..."

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Listen To: "Love is Not Over" by BTS

"Yuta, I swear to God if you splash water on me one more time, I will drown you," I scream as he chases me down the beach. He reaches me and wraps his arms around me as he spins us around, threatening to throw me in the ocean. We just finished shooting for the day and the guys are now splashing around in the ice cold water and having fun. It was such a fun day; it was a closed shoot so it was just the guys, a couple of their managers, a couple makeup and hair girls, Taek and I. The rest of the staff is taking down and getting stuff put away for the day. Taek has all my equipment and he's making sure that we have everything we need. I sit on the sand, in between Johnny and Taeyong and Yuta plops down right in front of me. I turn my head to look behind me to see Daehyun standing next to the railing of the dock, his hands in his pockets; eyes covered with his sunglasses and hat, completely not being inconspicuous. He hasn't left my side all day; refused to leave me alone with Taek and kept his eyes on me consistently.

"I can't believe we were able to shoot that all in one day instead of two," Johnny says, an exhausted sigh leaving his mouth.

"I'm glad we made it work. Doing it in two days would have made it easier but I'm glad we knocked it out and now you guys get to have a day off here tomorrow," I tell him.

"And you get to have a rest day to really prepare for your Vogue shoot," Jaehyun asks. Silence falls onto us as we sit on the sand and look out to the water.

"So you wanna tell us why you're traveling with a personal bodyguard now?" Taeyong asks me. I turn my head to face him. From the moment I met them this morning, Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, and Jaehyun all noticed the change in demeanor in me.

"It's— it's a long story," I say to them. I'm not sure if I want to bring them on what's going on; I'd have to omit the part having to do with my relationships and I feel like once a lie starts, keeping up with it would be so much work and being dishonest with people I care about, or anyone for that matter, isn't something that I want to do.

"Are you safe?" Yuta asks, the worry in his eye is evident.

"I am now," I respond.

"But you weren't before?" Taeyong asks me.

"No," I reply. Their eyes all go to me and I can tell that they want to ask me questions but they're holding themselves back.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Jaehyun says. I feel Taeyong next to me, his hand patting on my knee, showing me comfort in any way he can.

"You guys are so sweet. I'm okay now. I am being taken care of and my guy Daehyun over there," I say as I turn back and point at my new friend. "he's got my back. So, don't worry. Everything will be fine," I reassure them. I hear their manager call over Johnny, Yuta, and Jaehyun. They get up, wipe the sand from their butts and walk over to where their team is. Taeyong scoots closer to me and I wrap my parka around my body tighter as the breeze sends a shiver down my spine.

"We're worried about you Ella," I hear him say. I look at him and smile then I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I wish I could tell you everything, but I can't," I say honestly.

"You can trust me, you know?" He answers.

"I know TY. I do trust you but this— this is a lot and it involves other people and I just can't get into it. But I'll be okay," I say to him. I feel him drop his head, leaning on to mine, his arm wraps around me and I smile. It's nice to have friends who are so supportive. We might not see each other super often but I know if I ever need anything, these boys are always here for me. He lifts his head off of mine, kisses my temple and then stands up. He reaches his hands down to help me stand and I grab them and bring myself to my feet.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now