"I Won't Give Up On Us; I Know We Gon' Make It..."

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Listen To:  "I Won't Give Up" by Jimmy Brown
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

"Did you eat?" I turn around to see Seokjin walking into the kitchen, pulling me out of my anxious daydream.

"No, maybe later," I tell him as I feel his arms wrap around me.

Or maybe not at all; I find myself thinking. I have my first fitting with Nouvelle Mariee's team in 3 days and I'm feeling less than confident with what I look like. I know sample sizes are what they usually carry and I'm far from that. I want to do a good job with this show and I know the guys are super excited about watching me so I just want to make them proud. Nouvelle Mariee is South Korea's most popular bridal gown designer and being able to model for them is an honor; I just don't want to embarass myself or my boyfriends (not that anyone would ever know).

Their models are tall, thin, perfect. I'll never reach their level of beauty but I can definitley force myself to hold back on the late night ice cream dates with Jimin in the kitchen, rameoyeon lunches with JK and Hobi's croffles for breakfast so that I can tone up and look the best I can in the gowns.

"Are you nervous?" He ask me as he wraps his arms around my waits and pulls me against his chest, his lips hovering over the shell of my ear.

"Yeah," I let out; there's no use in lying to him, he knows me way too well. My hands find his and I wrap my arms around myself, bringing him as close to me as I can.

"Don't be. I would never let anything bad happen to you. You know that, right?" He asks. I turn around to face him. My hands reach his face and my thumbs graze his cheeks.

"I know you wouldn't. I feel safe with you," I tell him.

"I love you so damn much," he tells me and I smile, leaning in to press my lips to his.

"Daehyun-ssi is here," we hear a soft voice from the door and I look over to see Jimin. A wave of nerves wracks my body.

"Let's go," I say to them both. We all grab our things and pile into the van, making our way down to my studio.

"So you guys will wait in the studio area in case I need you and I'll have the conversation up in the office area with Dae-ssi?" I ask, knowing exactly what we all agreed on.

"Yes, if you need us, we will be right there. And we are close enough to be able to hear everything so if he tries to do or say anything, we can come in," Yoongi replies.

"Okay," I respond. I let out an exhale.

"This is for the best baby," I hear Namjoon say from behind me. "He's toxic and has brought nothing but problems for you and for us," he continues.

"I know," I reply. "I just hate confrontation," I finish.

It doesn't take long for us to arrive at the studio. We all go in, making sure no one is around and the guys aren't seen (Although if they are, people would probably just assume they'd be getting a shoot done). I set up the chairs in the front office while the guys get comfortable in the back.

"Are you sure you're okay El-ssi?" Daehyun asks me. I turn to face him. He's sitting in the chair next to mine. I asked him to sit in with me; knowing that having another person would make me feel a little braver.

"I'm anxious but I just wanna get it over and done with," I tell him. I look at my watch and realize Taek should be here any minute. I run to the back room to let them know we are going to sit out and wait for him.

"You'll let us know if you need anything, right?" I hear Jungkook say. I smile and nod.

"You got this. He can't continue to ruin your life," Taehyung reminds me.

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