"Spending My Life, Falling Deeper In Love With You.."

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Listen To: 'How Would You Feel' by Ed Sheeran

*Trigger Warning: Small mentions of body issues and weight. Please do not read if any topics relating to these are hurtful or harmful to you in anyway.

**I've created a playlist with all the 'Listen To' songs from this book. The songs play such a huge part in the feel and mood of each chapter. You can find it and listen to it here:



I wake up a few hours later, before everyone else. I try and lull myself back to sleep but it's useless. A thought runs through my mind and my inner dialogue argues whether it's a good idea or not. I decide to just go for it so I get out of bed, determined to go down to the bakery and coffee shop that's around 20 minutes away to grab some pastries for us to have for breakfast before the stylists arrive and start work on our hair. I'm nervous. This will be the first time I venture off alone but I know that eventually I'll need to do it. I need to not rely on them so much. I debate waking them up but they all look so peaceful and days off are so rare for them, I don't want to disrupt them or bother them. I write a little note and leave it on the nightstand where I hope they will see it. I go into my room, change into a simple jeans and tshirt. I head to the kitchen and grab the keys to Jin's car and head to the garage downstairs.

I get in the car, plug in my phone and turn on my music. I start the drive and allow myself to just enjoy the quiet, alone time. It takes no time at all for me to make it to the bakery. I park the car, put on my mask, grab my wallet and make my way in. It's pretty crowded in there, which seems normal for a weekend morning. I stand behind a small family and get ready to place my order. I walk up to the counter, order all our coffee's and Tea's and the assorted pastries. They tell me it will take a few minutes and ask me to wait.

I stand on the side of the store, waiting for my order when I notice a group of girls on a back table who have had their eyes on me since I walked in. I try to ignore them but their stares are so obvious that it starts to make me uncomfortable. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out to see Jimin calling me. I slide my finger across the screen to answer.

"Hey" I greet him, keeping my voice low so no one can hear me.

"Eleanor? Are you okay?" He asks and I can tell he's worried.

"Baby, I'm completely okay. I'm just down in Hongdae at Bread Lab picking up some things for breakfast. I left you a note on the side table,," I tell him.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could have gone with you," he says and I can hear him physically pouting.

"Baby, there is no way that could have happened, this place is packed," I tell him. I hear him sigh out.

"I'm completely okay. I promise. Are you the only one awake?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I am." He answers me.

"Okay, go back to bed my love. I'll be there soon okay?" I tell him.

"Eleanor, please be safe. I love you Jagiya," he says to me.

"I love you," I tell him and hang up the phone. I lift my head from the phone to see the girls that were at the back table, staring, standing in front of me.  I look at them and don't know whether to smile or freak out.

"Are you Eleanor? The Photographer?" One of them asks me. They all seem to be in their early to mid twenties, in college, and very nice. They're gorgeous, every single one of them is tall, toned and stunning. My insecurities get the best of me and for some reason, I feel intimidated.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now