"She Might Just Be My Everything And Beyond..."

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A/N: There is a quick POV shift at the end of this chapter that I felt was needed. <3 Hope you enjoy.

Listen To: 'Beyond' by Leon Bridges. (Spotify)

I let out a whiny groan when my alarm clock goes off 3 hours later. I roll out of bed and don't even bother with grabbing clothing from JK's floor to cover my naked body. I grab my phone and lean down to kiss his forehead as I walk out of his room. I head down the hall, heading to Namjoon's room; it's eerily quiet but it makes sense since they technically don't need to be up for another hour and a half or so. I softly push his door open and let myself in. I close it behind me and then turn around to look at him.

It's endearing to see how fucking adorable he is. He's laying on his stomach, his face squished against the pillow. His blanket is thrown on the floor, discarded during the night. His golden skin has a slight sheen of sweat in between his broad shoulders and I can see the rise and fall of his breathing. I just want to run my tongue up and down his whole body; the thought alone makes my core tighten.

I walk to him and climb on the bed, throwing my leg over his body and straddling his hips. I bring my mouth down and place my lips on the small of his back and work my way up until I reach the nape of his neck and I allow my body to press against his. His hot skin feels like heaven; a juxtaposition against my cold skin. I continue to run my mouth all over him, trying to wake him slowly. I reach his ear and gently bite on his lobe.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim" I whisper and I feel the shiver that runs down his spine. "Wake up and take a shower with me. I promise I'll make it worthwhile," I continue and I see a smile spread across his lips.

He rolls around to lay on his back and he opens his eyes to look at me. The moment he realizes that I'm completely naked, he sits himself up and groans as he pulls me against him.

"Let's go," I tell him as I get off of him and pull his hand to follow me. I open the door, pulling him behind me. As we walk to the bathroom, Hobi's room door opens and he steps out, eyes half closed, hair a mess and barley even awake. He looks at me and his mouth drops. I giggle at him.

"Am I dreaming? This is a dream right?" He mumbles and then turns around to go back in his room.

"Morning Hob-ah," I tell him as I pull Joon into the bathroom with me. He closes the door behind him as I turn the water on, making sure it's hot, just like he likes it. I turn to see him brushing his teeth quickly as he watches me.

"You like what you see?" I telling him jokingly as I put my hand on my hip. He smirks as he turns around and spits the toothpaste out and rinses his mouth. I walk to him and place my mouth on his back, kissing him as my hands go to the waist band of his pants and I pull down, my mouth following. I take them all the way down and before I stand up, I kiss his muscular thighs and then give him a small bite on his ass cheek. He let's out a small yelp and I laugh at him.

He turns around and places his hands on my hips as he leads me into the shower. It doesn't take any time at all for us to let our bodies give in to our craving for each other. He picks me up by my thighs and pushes my back onto the cold glass wall. I let out a hiss at the sting of the cold against my now hot skin. God, I love shower sex.

His mouth devours mine, kissing me like he's starved, unable to control the intense arousal he's feeling.

"You're my drug. I just wanna be high on you always," he mumbles into my mouth and I can't hold back the moan that escapes my lips at the way he's fucking my heart with his words.

"I hated the thought of someone else even looking at you last night; the thought of them thinking you didn't already belong to me and that they might have a chance in hell to have you," he confesses. Just as tells me his honest feelings, I feel him reach down and bring his dick into my entrance, slowly rolling his hips up and pressing into me; filling me so fucking perfectly. I let my head fall back against the glass, my neck out in the open for him to ruin.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now