"Baby, When Your Arms Are Around Me, I'd Swear That I'm Holding The Sun..."

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Listen To: "J's Lullaby (Darling, I'd Wait For You) by Delaney Bailey

I try to not let my fuck up bother me for the rest of the night since Jimin and I leave in a few hours. We finish eating and hang out for a little bit. Jimin and I decide to forgo sleep since we have to leave the house at 3:00 am. Jungkook and Tae head to bed at around 1:00 as they have schedules in the morning; we say our goodbyes so I don't wake them up in the morning. At around 2:00 am Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin also head to bed, they each hug me and kiss me, telling me to be careful. Then they say goodbye to Jimin, asking him to take care of me and also to be safe and discrete; each of them jokingly telling him not to pull a JK and get caught.

Yoongi has been awake for over 24 hours but he refuses to go to bed. Jimin goes to his room to get changed and get his last minute things together. I head to my room as well, Yoongi joining me. We walk in and he closes the door behind us then makes his way to sit on the bed. I grab the clothes i'm going to wear for the flight and pull my tshirt off and jokingly throw it at Yoongi. He laughs at me and motions at me to go to him. I walk his way, his hands grip my hips and pull me against his body, my bare chest right at face level with him. He starts kissing me; his tongue working it's way over my sensitive nipples. My hands go into his hair as I close my eyes and just focus on how good he's making me feel.

"God, I love that tongue of yours," I mutter out and I hear him laugh. He pulls away from me and then tugs me down to sit on his lap.

"Promise me you'll be safe," he whispers against my shoulder. My hand comes up to cup his face and pull him to look at me.

"I promise. Quick trip, in and out. I'll be back before you know it," I tell him.

I get changed, finish packing my bag and then we walk out when we hear the security alarm letting us know Hyun-Jin has arrived. Jimin is already on the couch ready to go when Yoongi and I walk in. Jimin hugs Yoongi and heads out to meet Hyun-Jin. I turn to face Yoongi and wrap him in a hug.

"I love you," I whisper into his hair. "Please go take a nap and get some rest. And drink some water, not just Americano," I chastise him. I hear him scoff under me. He pulls away slightly and brings his hand to cup my jaw.

"I love you," he says as he squeezes me tightly. "잘 가" he finishes and kisses me softly. I give him another tight squeeze and turn to leave the house. I get into the car with Hyun-Jin and Jimin and we make our way to the airport.

During our drive, Hyun-Jin gives us the breakdown of how we are going to do this. He will drop me off first; I'll go get my bag checked, head to my gate and then he will go, park the car and he and Jimin will head in and do the same for their own flight. Luckily, no one has gotten wind of our travel plans so, there is no media at the airport waiting from what we've been told. Jimin will keep his guard up and make sure to be as discrete as possible. The airline Jimin is flying is very vigilant about their customer's anonymity and goes above and beyond to make sure they're not bothered.

We arrive at the airport and I kiss and hug Jimin goodbye, telling him I'll see him in 14 hours. He hugs me tightly and tells me we can text during our flight but I'm sure we will both sleep the whole time, especially him, considering he's been awake for over 24 hours now. They drop me off and I make it through security and baggage claim without any issues and head over to the airline lounge to wait for my flight. While I wait, I answer a few emails and do a little online shopping before I hear my flight being called and I head to go board.

The flight goes as smoothly as we hoped. Jimin boards his flight uneventfully and we text for a little while before we both decide to get some sleep. The flight goes by super quickly once I go to sleep and before I know it, it's 5 pm and we've arrived at LaGuardia. I head to baggage claim and see a driver holding up a sign with my name on it. I walk to him and greet him and he let's me know that the other members of my party have already taken their car and are on their way to the hotel. He drives me there and carries a very sweet conversation asking me about my trip and how long I'll be in town. I tell him we go back home tomorrow night and we joke about how we won't even need to acclimate to the time difference because our trip is so quick.

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