"When You're Lost I'll Find A Way, I'll Be Your Light..."

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Listen To: "Home" by One Direction

The next week and a half fly by seemingly without any drama. The guys finish the rest of their comeback promotions and I get through my work without any more issues. I meet with Taemin and we get everything set up for his upcoming comeback. He's going for a dark, sexy concept and after hearing the rough cut for his new song, 'Advice' I know exactly the direction we should take. He also let me know this comeback will be his last before his military enlistment and I can't help but feel sad that my new friend is going to be going away for a while. I am, however extremely proud of him because he is so excited and ready to serve his country. I've prepared everything for the trip tomorrow to Jeju, and I just left my blood draw appointment to meet Ae for coffee. I get in the car and drive back to the company. Once I arrive, I make my way to the cafe and text Ae to let her know I'm there.

As soon as I walk in, I see a couple of the stylist team and a few of the new idol group managers as well. I bow and say hello. When I turn around to the coffee bar, I see Ae-Cha walk in and I wave to her. She reaches me and instantly hugs me. We haven't been able to see each other in so long. She's been working with the new idol groups coming up and I'm not taking them on so she's busy with that and my life, well, is just as nuts. But I need my Ae time and I'm so glad that we can set aside a few minutes for each other to catch up.

"I've missed you. How long has it been?" She says as she squeezes me tightly.

"Too long. I've missed you too. Let's get some coffee? I'm dying!" I say. I hadn't eaten in all day, needing to fast for my bloodwork and with it nearly being 4 pm, I legitimately felt like I was dying. We go to the counter, order our drinks and I pay for us and tell Ae to go find us a table. it doesn't take long for my name to be called and I grab our coffee's and find Ae in a far back corner. I walk to her, sit down and take a sip from my coffee; letting our a dramatic moan of happiness. I hear her let out a laugh.

"Okay, tell me everything that's been going on. I've missed so much!" She whines. So I fill her in, I tell her everything from my mystery illness, the break in at my studio, the trip to jeju, planning trips with each of the guys, and Pak Yeosang and the million other things that are going on in my life.

"Eleanor, what the hell? How are you still so chill and calm after all of that?" She asks me.

"I don't feel like I've been calm at all. But luckily I am surrounded by people keep me grounded," I say to her.

"How's everything going with the guys?" They've been busy," she tells me.

"Yeah, they've been super busy. But we're good. We haven't had a ton of time together which sucks but i'm trying to be patient. We get to have alone time and i'm just focusing on that. Their phones have been ringing off the hook since Grammy nomination; so many artists who want to collaborate. The future is going to be really, really busy but I can't wait to see what they do," I tell her. I see her look behind me and her eyes narrow slightly.

"El..." she starts.

"Mmm?" I say as I take a sip from my coffee.

"Is your assistant friends with Nabi?" She asks. My head shoots up to look at her.

"Nabi?" I ask; a name I haven't heard in a while.

"Yeah, the previous audio assistant or whatever." She clarifies.

"No. I didn't know. Why?" I ask. She motions at me to look behind me. I turn around and my heart starts racing and I feel my anxiety peak.

I see her and Taek standing in the line at the cafe waiting to order and I feel like i'm looking at a ghost. Out of all the people in the world, why her? She's always lingered in the back of my mind; one of the only people who knew about us and had to be terminated from her job. I've always worried that one day she will say 'fuck it' to the NDA and tell everyone. She's a threat; in so many ways. What in the actual fuck is she doing here and why is Taek with her? I turn back around to look at Ae.

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