"'Cause Baby, I Would Die For You..."

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Listen To: "Die For You" by The Weekend.
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

[A/N: Happy SEVEN day! The finish line is near; the last two chapters will be up next week]

"Did she say anything else?" Detective Lee asks me over the speaker phone placed in the middle of the coffee table.

"She told me that he wants to meet with me to stop all of this and to be safe. I told her I needed time to think about it because I didn't know what else to say," I tell him. I feel a hand grasp mine and Hoseok's fingers interlace with mine.

"She came to us as soon as the phone rang and that's when we called you," Seokjin adds from my right.

I knew the moment that I heard Kat's voice on the line that she had been sent by Zane. He's a coward; there is no way he would have tried to reach out for me on his own. And they moment she spoke, I started walking toward the kitchen where the guys were and knew I needed to tell them.

We promised. No more hiding. No more lies. No more bullshit. Especially after my accident, my therapist and I have talked about the things that activate my fight or flight; I always default to flight. I take the easiest way out because I hope that it causes the least amount of pain. Like how I constantly run away, or leave them, thinking it's going to be what's best for us all when in all actuality, it's not. What's best for me is them; it's Jungkook's stubborn need to be physically close to me. I need Seokjin constantly telling me that I'm the love of his life. I need more of Namjoon writing songs for me. I need to dance with Taehyung every day for the rest of my life. I need Jimin cuddling me every night, telling me how beautiful I am. I need Hoseok spoiling me, physically, mentally and emotionally. I need Yoongi reassuring me daily that I am not the person I once was and that I am loved, unconditionally. I need them. No matter what my stupid brain tells me.

"There are a few options we can take but I think that that conversation needs to happen down at the station and with my colleagues. We will get a plan in order and let you know when you can come down and discuss it with us. What we will ask of you right now is don't make any rash decisions. If they call you, talk to them, we will keep them close without having you actually physically near them. The goal is to arrest Zane and now, we will have more than sufficient evidence to put him away for a long, long time. We also want to make sure we bring in any accomplices. Because if he is working with your ex-assistant and the woman that's been tormenting you all year, we want to arrest them for their part as well," he tells us.

"Is there anything we need to change as far as our security?" Namjoon asks as his eyes find mine.

"No. Keep what you've got right now; we don't want to alert anyone by bringing in more security. It's also obvious that he's hiding, since he's asking for her to go to him," her informs us. It makes sense.

"Okay, we can do that," Taehyung says. I look around the room and see the worried faces of my boyfriends. I hate that I had to be the cause of their distress but I couldn't do this without them. We speak to Detective Lee for a little bit longer, finalize a plan and then we hang up the phone.

"Let's eat, yeah?" I hear Seokjin say as he stands up from the couch. He passes in front of me and leans down and kisses me softly as he gets up and heads to the kitchen. Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung all get up and follow him, each of them touching me physically in some way or another. Namjoon stands in front of me and pulls me up to stand in front of him. He grabs my hands and pulls them to wrap around his neck and he lets his lips fall against my neck. My whole body breaks into goosebumps.

"Stay with me tonight," he asks me in a tone that's so whiney and little that I feel electricity running through my veins. I nod my head and I hear him let out a throaty laugh.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now