"It's Okay If You're Broken, We Can Help Mend You..."

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Listen To: 'Still with You' by Jungkook & 'Lost' by BTS
I wake up the next morning to a soft strumming and Jungkook's voice. I open my eyes and look at the clock to see it's only 5:00 am. I roll around and prop my head up on my hand as I look at the beautiful boy next to me. Covered in tattoo's and piercings, looking hard and intimidating but still the softest and sweetest person I know; I'm enamored by his beauty. He's sitting with the sheet draped over his bottom half, one leg bent against the bed holding the body of the guitar, the other shifted up, being used to prop his arm and the neck of the guitar. I watch him as he strums and hums, his beautiful voice filling the room with the most beautiful melody. He lifts his head up and smiles at me.

"Is that new? It sounds beautiful," I tell him.

"Yeah, I've been writing it for the passed few weeks and just finished it a few days ago. Do you wanna hear it?" he asks me. I sit up in the bed and cross my legs, pulling the sheet up with me and nod at him. He starts strumming the guitar again and starts singing.

When would it be
다시 그댈 마주한다면
When I meet you again,
눈을 보고 말할래요
I'll look into your eyes and tell you
보고 싶었어요"
I've missed you"
황홀했던 기억 속에
In the memories of entrancing moments,
나 홀로 춤을 춰도 비가 내리잖아
even if I dance alone, it still rains
이 안개가 걷힐 때쯤
When this fog gets lifted up,
젖은 발로 달려갈 게
I will run to you on my wet feet
그때 날 안아줘
Hold me in your arms then
저 달이 외로워 보여서
Because that moon looked lonely
밤하늘에 환하게 울고 있는 것 같아서
Because it looked like it's crying bright in the night sky
언젠가 아침이 오는 걸 알면서도
Knowing that the morning would come sometime,
별처럼 너의 하늘에 머물고 싶었어
I still wanted to stay in your sky like a star
하루를 그 순간을
That day, that moment,
이렇게 될 걸 알았다면
if I had known that if it would be like this,
더 담아뒀을 텐데
I would've kept more of them in my memories"*

He leans toward me as his thumb wipes the tear pooled in the corner of my eye. He bring his hand to my jaw and pulls me toward him and he kisses me. I lose myself in him. He never ceases to amaze me. The way he is able to express himself in his music. The way he uses his lyrics to convey how he's feeling.

"Do you like it?" He asks me. I bring my eyes to his, unable to comprehend how he could even ask me that.

"Of course, it's perfect," I tell him. "What's it called?" I ask him.

"Still with You," he says with a smile. "I think I want to actually record it," he tells me. I smile at him and push his hair behind his ear. He takes the guitar and sets it against the wall and gets closer to me.

"Let's go shower," he whispers as his lips press into my shoulder. I get a shiver and let out a sigh.

"Let's go," I say to him.

We are pretty certain that no one else is up yet so we sprint into my room and use the shower in there. We take our time and enjoy spending quiet moments together. After a heavy make out session and washing up, we dry off, blow dry our hair, brush our teeth and JK heads back to his room to get in his comfy travel clothes for the day.

I decide to just get ready for the day since I probably won't have much time later. Jungkook walks back in, looking all soft and cuddly in a fuzzy green sweater and brown cargo joggers. He sits in the bathroom and talks to me while I do my hair and makeup. I head out to the closet and decide on what to wear. I don't want to not be myself but I also don't want to scare Yoongi's mom. I end up going with a pair of distressed mom jeans, a white fitted tshirt, and plan to add a green varsity jacket. I put on my white converse and call it a day.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now