"It's Our Paradise and It's Our War Zone..."

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Listen To: "Pillowtalk" by Zayn

"Shit. Shit. Shit," I mumble into my hands.

"Maybe you should just tell her?" Jimin says. "You trust her, right? She could sign an NDA and that would make it easier. Or would you rather not tell her?" He asks me with a slight sadness.

"I would tell the whole world if I could. You know that, right Jiminie?" I say as I reach out to touch his cheek. "I just— I haven't really spoken to her in almost a year. It's been random text messages and social media comments. I trust her because she and her family did so much for me as a kid, but I don't know—something just feels wrong," I tell them.

"It's up to you El. We will do whatever you think is best," Seokjin adds.

"If you want, you can all stay at my apartment while she's here. That way you don't have to worry about bringing her here," Jungkook chimes in.

"That's actually a really good idea," Yoongi says. "Did she say how many days she will be here?" He asks.

"No, but I let her know that I have work and a trip I'm doing in a couple of days so she's aware I can't just drop everything with 8 hours notice," I tell them.

"Hopefully it's just a couple of days," Hoseok adds in.

"Hopefully," I say to them. I can't help this weird and unsettling feeling I have in my stomach about this whole thing. I love Kat and her family but there is just something so strange to me about how random this whole thing is. I try not to let myself get too caught up in those feelings.

"Do you think you'll want to tell her at some point?" Namjoon asks me.

"Yeah, I think so. She was my best friend; her family took me in when I needed someone. But I guess since moving and the beginning of our relationships, I've just become a little more selective and private with who I let in because it's not just about me anymore. I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen or something got out about you guys that could threaten your careers because of me. So, I feel the need to protect us. I guess I'll see how her visit goes," I tell them.

Before I can say anything else, Seokjin walks to me and cups my face and kisses me deeply. His hands are firm on my face and his lips wrap around mine in a kiss that's so hot and so deep that I feel my knees go weak. I have butterflies in my stomach and my heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. He pulls away slightly and locks his eyes on mine.

"Every day I think that there isn't anything else you could do that could possibly make me love you more but then you say things like that and then I do," he says with a smile. I cock my head to the side and look at him confused. "You are always thinking about us— making sure we are taken care of and safe. You're so selfless and considerate," he says.

"It's just common sense to me. You guys—" I say as I turn to look at each of them, "are the most important thing to me and I never want to do or say something that would jeopardize you in any way," I say to them.

"Most people don't think about things like that, about how their actions could affect someone else. Not everyone will put aside the things they want for their partners," Namjoon adds in.

"And specifically for us," Hoseok says, "we've never really had people besides our immediate family, who care about how things will affect us. Most people just want to use us for their own benefit," he finishes. That breaks my heart because something so simple should be a given, yet it is something they aren't accustomed to receiving.

"Well," I say as I turn to look at all of them again, "I'm not going to allow anything or anyone hurt you in anyway. Ever," I tell them. I look down at my watch and realize I need to leave.

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