"I Know It Hurts Sometimes, But Don't Let It Go..."

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Listen To: "Honesty" by Pink Sweat$
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]


I look at her laying in her bed, her hair messily spread a crossed her pillow, her lips perfectly pouted as she hugs her pillow tightly. The moment we left this morning, I planned on rushing through my day as quickly as possible to get back to her. After she got the call from the private investigator last night, she needed a day to process. She moved her meeting with Ateez and decided to stay home. We all had to go to work today but there was absolutely no way I was going to leave her here alone all day. I couldn't work knowing that she was by herself. Hoseok and I had to do 가위, 바위, 보 to see who would come home early but I won and I rushed to her as soon as I could.

I sit on the bed next to her, pushing her hair off her face, taking in every ounce of her beauty. I wish she could see how beautiful she is; wish she could see what I see in her. The glow of her beautiful skin, not a stitch of makeup and still flawless in every way. The curves of her body, shaped perfectly to fit in my arms. God, I love her; more than words, more than anything else in the world. She lets out a soft exhale and her eyes flutter open at my touch. Her beautiful honey eyes make my heart skip a beat and the moment she flashes me that smile of her's, I'm completely done for.

"Hi Jinnie," she whispers.

"Hi Baby Girl," I smile and lean in to kiss her. Before I can even grasp what is happening, her hands ball the fabric of my tshirt as she pulls me against her. I feel her let out a soft whine as she opens her mouth to let my tongue push against hers. I feel myself lose my inhibitions and am slightly embarrassed at how quickly she's able to get me to fall apart under her touch. I roll my body on top of hers and she moves her hands from my shoulders down my chest and under my shirt; my whole body breaking out into goosebumps.

"Baby, if you don't stop now," I whine as she kisses me.

"If I don't stop, what?" She pushes and I know exactly what she wants. I just want to make sure she's okay first.

"Do you want to talk first? Because if you do, you have to stop now," I let out shakily as her hands move to the button on my pants, lowering the zipper slowly as her mouth moves down my jaw.

"I don't wanna talk. I want you inside me," she whines and that's it, she's broken me. I grab her shirt and she sits up to allow me to pull it off. The moment I throw it aside, I go back to look at her and I can't help but revel in her naked body; she's perfect and the only thing I want to do is devour every inch of her. She lays herself back down on the bed and I push my pants off, settling in between her legs. She looks up at me with those eyes again, I'm putty in her hands.

"Make me feel good Jin-ah," he asks so sweetly. "I need to feel good," she finishes.

I look down at her, push her hair behind her ear and feel an ache in my chest; the definitive pain of my heart breaking and the feeling of not being able to do more for her. This is the woman that I'm meant to be with my whole life. I am certain that God placed her directly in my life to be my soul mate and my happily ever after, but she has endured more pain in the last year than most people will ever encounter in their lives.

I don't know if this feeling will ever dissipate; the feeling of needing to protect her, to make sure that I never let anything bad happen to her. I want to take it all away from her; shield her from the relentless rumors and false stories that spread about her. Block her from feeling the pain of having to hide our relationships, from the shitty people who take advantage of her, and more than anything the vile human being who had her and broke her. I want nothing more than to see him, at the very least, locked up in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

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