"You'll Always Be My Favorite Form Of Loving..."

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Listen To: "Cloud 9" by Paravi

[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

I feel his fingers gently combing through my hair and the rise and fall of his chest under my cheek. His opposite hand is holding mine, fingers laced together as he softly hums a tune. I don't remember the last time I felt this calm; in the midst of an absolute storm, he's sheltering me and making sure that I have the support needed to weather the current situation.

"You're safe," he whispers after a few moments of silence. "Right here with me, you're safe. I'll never let anything happen to you," he reiterates. He pulls me closer into him and I press my nose into his chest and inhale him.

He's right, I know he is. As long as I keep my guard up and stay with them, I'll be fine. I trust them and I trust myself. Myself a few months ago, probably not, but myself now knows better.

"I love you," he whispers into my hair. "Forever and ever" he finishes.

"Do you think—" I start, trying to think about how I want to word it. "Do you think that maybe one day, things will be different? That we will look back on this time and think about how happy we are to be out of it? Or do you think this is something that we will have to just learn to deal with for the rest of our lives?" I ask him.

I feel him sigh beneath me; his fingers moving out of my hair and onto my face, pulling me to look up to lock my eyes on his. The warmth of his eyes like a comforting hug, he makes me feel like everything is going to be okay but I know it's a facade; he hides his worries well for the sake of others, for my own sake.

"I don't know..." he whispers truthfully, his eyes falling; his guard is down and he's being vulnerable.

"Seok," I say as I let my thumb graze his cheek. "You're safe with me too," I tell him. He smiles at me, sadness still riddling his eyes.

"Even if things never change and things continue to be like this, we can get through it all together. Just trust me; put every little bit of trust you have in us and we can get through it," he tells me. I lean my head up and place my lips against his, pouring every ounce of love I have for him into it.

"Want to know something?" He tells me.

"Hmmmm" I respond, letting my mouth move to his jaw, placing soft, light kisses against his skin; trying to heal the hurt we are both experiencing the only way we know how, while he speaks.

"A few weeks before you started working for us, my Eomma called me in the middle of the night and told me she had a dream about me. She dreamt that I had found the one my soul was searching for and that I would be happy," he lets out. I feel the goosebumps scatter across my skin. "She told me that she thought that it was a sign that soon, I'd meet the person I would spend the rest of my life with. Then a few weeks later, I met you. I met you and even though I didn't know if you could be mine, my heart kept telling me that there was something about you. So, I think that even before we knew we wanted to be together in this life and before I realized I loved you, our souls must have already known we were meant to be together," he finishes and I feel butterflies explode in my stomach.

"I love you Hob-ah. I love you so much; with every single fiber of my being. I just love you," I tell him.

"I won't let him hurt you. I won't let him come near you. I promise you," he tells me.

I close my eyes and let myself be comforted by him; let myself lower every single wall I have built in my lifetime. I allow myself to be vulnerable and small, weak and frail, and trust him with everything that I have. I let myself push aside the feelings of insecurity and burden and let myself rely on them knowing that no matter what, they've got me and I've got them.

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