"Only Love Could Hurt Like This..."

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Listen To:  "Only Love Could Hurt Like This (Cover)" by Kiesa Keller.
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

A/N: There are 5 chapters left in this book so this is very much a filler chapter as we come to the end. I've already started the third and final book in this series and it will be titled "My You".

"Please, think about how she made you feel," Jimin tells me. "Do you really want to even bother with that relationship?" He reiterates. We are sitting on the couch, my legs laying over his lap as I lay against Hoseok's chest, his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Friends don't hurt friends Angel," Taehyung adds in. "I know you love her. I know she was someone that you connected with and found strength in but she hurt you and she tried to hurt what we have. Someone that says they love you wouldn't do that," he continues. "I want you to love yourself enough and have enough pride in yourself to know that you do not deserve that. She doesn't deserve you," he finishes.

He's right. The last time I saw her, she hurt me. Deeply and purposely. She was supposed to be my friend and she betrayed me. But it isn't even just me, she tried to hurt us. She tried to ruin what I have, my relationships. She tried to interfere with my life in a way that could have hurt us each individually, along with us as a unit.

"It kills me that you have to go through this; experience the reality of how people can be when you're in this industry. I wish I could shield you from all this pain," Hobi whispers into my ear, his arms tightening around me. I let my eyes close and sigh into his touch. Having Ae was so great; having a girlfriend I could talk to, share things with and just spend time with. The loss of her in my life finally hits me and how lonely it's been.

"No matter how much you miss her," I hear Namjoon say, as if he is reading my mind. I open my eyes and look at him across the living room. "It's not worth the amount of pain she has caused," he tells me.

"The worst part is that she did what she did, purposefully; she was vengeful, spiteful and jealous," Yoongi says. "And now she wants forgiveness? I'm not a someone who holds grudges but something just doesn't seem to add up here," he tells me and I know he's right. There has to be some ulterior motive, right?

"She didn't care in that moment who she hurt, she just wanted to make sure she got what she wanted," Jungkook chimes in.

"Everyone knows how private you are. She is one of the very few people you've let into your life; you allowed her to take space in your heart and mind and she took advantage of that," Taehyung continues. "I won't forgive her for that and I hope you don't either," he says.

"Yeah," I let out. "I know," I say.

"It's late, let's get to bed yeah? We all have long days tomorrow," Seokjin adds from the armchair to my left.

Hobi lets go of my shoulders and I stand up. They walk to me, one by one, saying their goodnights. Seokjin first, pressing his lips to my forehead and telling me that he loves me. Namjoon comes after with whispers in my ear about needing me madly. Hoseok's hands grasp on my butt as he pulls me against him and mumbles wishes for peaceful sleep. Yoongi captures my lips in a heated kiss with reverent praises full of love. Jungkook laces his fingers in my hair and pulls my face up to meet his as he nudges his nose against mine and tells me to dream of him. And then Jimin. One hand cups my jaw while the other brings me against his body by my waist as he presses his forehead to mine.

"You are so precious to me," he whispers. "I will do anything for you," he finishes as he presses his lips to mine softly. I feel a shiver run down my spine as he presses his body against me and I melt into his touch. Jimin has this thing, no matter how sweet and soft he is, he has the absolute power to make me fall apart under his touch.

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