"Forever's Forever, Eternally Attached To Her Soul..."

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Listen To: "Won't Let Go" by Juice WRLD

"Go ahead and leave your sample in this cup and then place it in the window and come back out and Dr. Kang will see you," the nurse tells me.

I step into the restroom and pee in the cup; leaving it in the window once I'm done and washing my hands. I step out and head back to the room where I was before. I strip from the waist down, placing the hospital gown over my legs and wait for Dr. Kang. I grab my phone to see a text message from Yoongi.

I can't wait to see you. I'm at the house, packing and I'll wait for you here after your appointment. I love you.

I respond with a heart emoji just as Dr. Kang walks in. She smiles brightly at me as she walks in and washes her hands and sits in the chair in front of me.

"Eleanor! How are you darling?" She asks me.

"I'm well, thank you," I respond.

"Wonderful, let's check your vitals and then we can go over your labs," she tells me. She has me sit on the table as she checks my blood pressure, checks my heart rate, and then has me lay down to check my incision scar. She has me sit back up and then grabs her tablet from behind her. 

"Okay so everything looks like it's healing okay. Your vitals are all pretty stable but your blood pressure is slightly elevated so we will keep an eye on that. Now we can do your physical exam," she says.

It's always a little bit awkward but I lay back as she goes ahead and checks me. I feel a slight tugging inside that causes me to finch.

"You okay Eleanor?" She asks me. I let out a yes and she continues. "Okay, everything seems to be looking okay. Your birth control is still placed properly so I'm not worried about anything in that aspect,"  she says as she brings the gown back down over my knees and motions for me to sit up. I sit and cross my legs and look at her.

"How are you feeling? Physically, is everything okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I think so. I have been having some pain in my lower abdomen but I always assume it's around ovulation time or something like that," I respond.

"Yes, that would make sense. You've had some form of semi permanent birth control in for the last—" she pauses to look at her screen, "12 years?" she asks me.

"Yeah, it's been a while. Do you think that could cause problems in the future?" I ask her.

"There really isn't any way to know; everyone's body's reacts to coming off of birth control differently. We could try and run some tests to make sure you're ovulating and checking the quality of your eggs, if you're curious and wanting to know,"  She tells me.  I wonder if maybe I should do that. It's not like I want to get pregnant now or soon but I would like to know if I'll be able to or not so I can plan accordingly.

"Can I think about it and let you know?" I ask her. She smiles, nods at me and continues to ask me questions.

Once we've finished up my appointment, she tells me she will send a copy of my results to the company and tells me that if I need anything to let her know. She says goodbye and leaves the room as I get changed. 10 minutes later I'm on my way home and see Tae's name pop up on the screen of the Palisade's console.

"Hi sweetheart," I say to him.

"Hi Angel Baby, where are you?" He asks; while his greeting is sweet, his tone just feels off.

"I'm on my way home. I need to grab my things, then Yoongi and I are heading out. Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Can I see you before you go? Please? I just need to see you for a few minutes," he tells me. I know he's been stressed recently, with the comeback, promotions and working on an OST and other projects on his own aside from Bangtan. When Tae get's overwhelmed or tired, he longs for the things that make him comfortable and calm. Jimin is his usual go-to, his soulmate and best friend who is always there for him when they're working. From the beginning of our relationship, when things get really difficult for him, he leans on me. Sometimes it's kisses and cuddles; his love language being physical touch, he feels a sense of tranquility from being physically close to those he loves. Other times it's just talking, but no matter what it is, it's just him needing to feel safe. I love knowing that I can do anything at all to help ease him and make him feel better; any of them, honestly. I always want them to know that whenever their loads feel heavy and that they just need a break from their incredibly overwhelming daily life, I will drop anything and everything to give them the solace that they need; their refuge from the storm.  So I have zero issues with dropping everything I'm doing and running to find him, no matter where he is, when he's feeling this way.

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