"I Only Have You; You're My Only Love..."

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Listen To: "Stay With Me" Taeyang ft. G-Dragon

Big Hit Entertainment takes pride in always placing their artists' privacy and protection before anything else. Our artists give 100% to their careers and their fans, so their private time is very sacred to them. In regards to the recent allegations made against Jeon Jungkook, Big Hit Entertainment is seeking legal ramifications to any news outlets who have published and conjured fabricated and preposterous stories about what he is doing during his free time. Like any other person, our artists are entitled to privacy and deserve to be respected during private times. Once again, any articles and/or photos published that carry assumptions and allegations about our artists and what they're doing in their free time will be met with severe legal consequences.

"The company press release and statement has already done it's job to stop further discussion of the incident. It's unfortunate that we can't gag the publication of every single article in the future so we have to do this every single time," Sejin tells us. He called me as soon as I saw the article.

"It just sucks, you know? Because by now, everyone has seen it so even if they take it down, the damage has been done. I don't care about me. They can talk all the shit about me they want. I care about Jungkook and the others. I don't want these stupid articles affecting their careers. Their comeback is in a little over 2 weeks. The timing is just so crappy," I tell him.

"I know El-ah, it's frustrating but unfortunately, these are the lives they lead. Everything will be fine. ARMY knows that Dispatch does this kind of stuff and they don't jump on the bandwagon to believe everything they read. ARMY is also VERY respectful of the members personal times so they can understand how violating photos like this are," he continues. "Just let us take care of it, and you guys enjoy the rest of your night. Don't worry about it," he finishes. We say goodbye and I hang up the phone. I look over and Yoongi and he smiles at me.

"Call him," he tells me, knowing exactly what is running through my mind.

"No, I'll just send him a quick text. Tonight is about us," I tell him as I lean forward and kiss him softly.

I grab my phone and send Jungkook a quick text letting him know that I love him and when I get home tomorrow, we will talk. He quickly responds back that he loves me and that he will see me tomorrow. I put the phone down and head back to the bed where Yoongi is laying. I get in the bed next to him and he pulls me into his body. I wrap my leg around his waist, my hand lands on his neck, pulling him close to me. I lean my face up and kiss him gently. I run my tongue across his bottom lip and feel him exhale against me.

"I can't wait," he whispers against my lips.

"Wait for what?" I ask him, confused.

"For the day I get to tell everyone that you're mine and we don't have to keep hiding or denying it. I hate it. I hate that we have to keep saying that you're no one to us, like you don't even exist; that we aren't in a committed relationship, that i'm not in love. We have a whole fucking life with you Eleanor; a house, plans, commitment, but every time this shit gets out we have to pretend like you don't exist and I hate it," he tells me. "It's unfair; to us but mostly to you," he finishes.

"Yoongi-ah?" I say to him, my fingers twirling his long hair as my face is pressed against his chest; the thumping of his heart beating against my cheek.

'Yeah?" He responds.

"I hate it too," I tell him honestly. I've always felt like I can't be fully honest with the way I feel because it would make them feel guilty or bad but I think it's time for me to be transparent about how much this hurts me as well.  "I hate that I can't hold your hand in public. I hate that all of my friends ask about my boyfriend and I can't say anything. I hate that we can't go to the movies or a concert. I hate that my reputation is being seen as the foreign woman that is sleeping with all the idols. I hate that all I want in life is to love you guys, but I can't," I tell him. I see his face fall and his eyes close at my confession.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now