"We Had Our Head In The Clouds, Thought We Had It All Figured Out..."

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Listen To: "Head in the Clouds" by Hayd
[Please assume conversations are being held in Korean]

A knock at the door startles me from the thoughts circling my mind.

"May I come in?" I hear a small voice at the door. I turn around and smile at the face that greets me.

"Of course, 어머님. Please come in," I tell her. I pat on the bed next to me and she comes to sit down. She gently nudges my shoulder with hers and I look at her and she smiles, putting her arm around my shoulder.

"You don't look well sweetheart. You've lost weight since the last time I saw you and there is darkness under your eyes. What's going on? Are you okay?" She asks me.

"I haven't been well," I say softly. "I've been ill for a little bit; throwing up, headaches, body aches and I'm not sure what's going on. I'm waiting for results from my doctor," I explain.

"It seems as though your plate is very full. Are you doing your best to take care of yourself? I didn't see you eat this evening," She questions as she strokes my hair.

"I'm trying. Today was just...overwhelming," I say to her.

"Eleanor, sweetheart, you know that everything will be okay, right? They just have to get used to the situation; they were caught off guard," she reassures me.

"I hope so. I just feel horrible that they had to find out this way," I tell her.

It's been a few hours and the party didn't go quite how we had anticipated. The arrival of Jungkook's parents really made it hard to have a good time but everyone tried. Jungkook took his parents aside and they had a conversation. They came out and joined the celebration but they, along with Jungkook kept their distance from me. The night came to a close and everyone went home; the parents to their respective hotels and Jungkook left with his family. Only Yoongi's parents stayed afterward to help us clean up. I kept a smile on my face the entire time, not wanting anyone else to feel any sort of sadness or to ruin the night. They have every right to be upset, I can't blame them but to say I'm completely unfazed would be a lie.

"He will talk to them and eventually this will all work out. Just be patient. Promise me you'll be patient," she tells me as she squeezes my hand.

"Yes, 어머님. I will do that," I say to her with a small bow. We stay in my room a little bit longer until Yoongi's Apa comes in to check on us. He asks if she's ready to go and it's easy to see he's tired. We stand up and she hugs me and tells me she will see me tomorrow. I bow at Yoongi's Apa and wish them a good night. They close the door behind them and I go to my bathroom and start removing my makeup and getting ready for bed. I change into my pajamas, turn out the light, get under the covers, and let my heavy eyes fall closed as I think about my sweet Bun and hope that he's okay and not feeling too overwhelmed.

I stir at the feeling of featherlight touches to my face; my hair being pushed out of my eyes. I hear his voice, sweet and floaty, dancing at my ear. I smile, knowing exactly who's arms are wrapped around my body and who's voice is serenading me; feeding my soul and comforting my heart.

"We had our head in the clouds,
Thought we had it all figured out.
Planning to fly away,
To escape everything on the ground.
But like a plane up in space,
We slowly drifted away.
And every plan that we made,
And dream that we chased,
Are just memories now.
They're just memories now..."

I let out a deep exhale and tilt my head up to look at the beautiful man that's forever changed my life. The man who taught me how to love; how to let go and trust. Right now, more than ever, he needs me to be strong, needs me to hold us together. We knew this could happen; I didn't expect every meeting with the parents to be great and amazing and picture perfect; it's not possible. So this is when I have to suck it the fuck up and be there for him. I love him, more than I even have words for; we've been to hell and back already. We've experienced things that most people never have to but we grow and we learn and we pick ourselves up and continue to love each other and look forward to the future because it's all we want; each other and the rest of our lives.

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