"My Heart Is Yours, It's You That I Hold On To..."

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Listen To: 'Sparks' by Coldplay

I open my eyes to look at him. He stands up and extends his hand to me. I grab it and turn my body around to face him and stand up. He pulls me to follow him as he walks us into the pool. The pool was Jimin's request and this one was perfect. It's an infinity pool that looks like it drops down the edge of the hill. We have an amazing view of the city and it was one of the many selling points for us. He leads me toward the deeper part of the pool and I look at him with narrowed eyed because he knows damn well that I won't be able to stand as far into the pool as he can. He laughs, turns to face me and grabs me; my legs wrapping around his hips, as he continue to walk us out toward the end of the pool.

I turn my face toward him and let my lips land on his neck as I kiss him softly. I can feel his chest rising and falling against mine. The feeling of his bare skin against mine is agonizingly hot. I squeeze my legs tightly against him and I hear him let out a soft moan next to my ear. We reach the end of the pool and I feel him press my back against the edge; the glass wall at the end where the water circulates. Even though our closest neighbor is almost a mile away and no one can really see us, there's still an element of feeling like we might get caught.

"You think you can walk around looking this good and expect me to keep my hands off of you?" he asks me. "You're such a tease," He smirks at me as he pushes his hips forward, pressing my ass into the glass as the water pushes against us. I blush at his compliment. He moves his mouth down my neck until he reaches my clavicle and he starts gently sucking, determined to leave a mark on my skin. I roll my head back as I take in the feeling of his lips on my body and let out a deep sigh. The feeling of his lips against my skin is like heaven. I tighten my thighs around him, pulling him closer to me and I can feel how hard he is against my core. He pushes roughly against me again.

"Feel that?" He asks me and I let out a moan. "Now do you believe me when I tell you that you're perfect?" He continues. I don't respond, still lost in his mouth as it continues to moves on my neck. I feel him leave a small bite and it makes me jolt my head up.

"Only you, Eleanor," he adds. At this point, I'm putty in his hands; he could ask me to commit arson and I'd do it as long as he continues to please me this excruciatingly. "You're the only one who has ever made me feel this way," he continues as his mouth moves up my jaw and toward my mouth. My breathing becomes ragged as he presses his tongue against mine; his fingers are lingering intently against my skin under the water and I realize what he's about to do.

He grabs my elbows and turns me so that my arms are leaning against the edge of the pool and I'm looking out at the city as he presses his chest against my back. I feel his fingers languidly slip against my inner thigh, making their way up slowly. He reaches the hem of my bottoms and pushes his fingers under the fabric as he mutters obscene things in my ear about what he wants to do to me. I am completely incoherent and everything around me is fuzzy and lost. I feel him swipe at my entrance as he softly pushes a finger into me agonizingly slow and the way it feels, in the water, is un-fucking-real.

"Baby," he whispers and I moan out as my whole body trembles at his words. 

"Fuck," I let out as He pushes me forward against the glass. I hear him let out a groan as his head falls against my shoulder.

"이뻐," he whispers in my ear and I feel delirious. My whole body already feels weightless because I'm in the water but now I have to figure out how to not pass out while he says these things to me while his fingers continue to push me into a delirious state of pleasure. I feel his dick pressing against my back and I feel like I can't breathe. A loud moan escapes my mouth when he adds a second finger and the fire in my belly starts to get to be too much.

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