"If You Make It All Wrong, Then I'll Make It All Right..."

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Listen To: "Ruin My Life" by Zara Larsson

A/N: [A slightly shorter, smutty, chapter]
A/N II: [If you don't understand what is being alluded with JK, I can't help you, I'm sorry 😆]

"Did he say what it was about?" Namjoon asks as he sits in the passenger seat of the car, a black beanie, face mask, and hoodie covering as much of his face as possible.

I told him he didn't have to come. I told them I'd be fine alone, it's not like I could get into any trouble at the Police Station but Namjoon insisted he come with me and he wouldn't take no for an answer. I love those stubborn, overprotective men so much.

"No. He just said I needed to come down to the station because there had been an 'incident'" I reply. I pull the Palisade into the parking lot of the police station. I feel grateful that it's late at night and we don't have to worry too much about being seen and Detective Lee obviously knows about my relationships. We walk into the cold building, the fluorescent lights making everything feel uninviting and sad. I see Detective Lee walking toward us. He bows and we bow back at him.

"Eleanor-ssi, thank you for coming in so late. Let's head back to my office," he says as he motions at us to follow him down the long corridor. My stomach does a nervous flip as we walk down the hallway, rooms on either side with windows to look inside. I feel Namjoon's fingers lace with mine as he pulls me closer to him; he always knows when I need him, like he can just sense my energy. I love that about him. We walk into one of the rooms on the left hand side and Detective Lee sits behind his large mahogany desk and waves us to sit on the chairs sitting across from him.

"Eleanor, the reason why I asked you down here is because unfortunately, your studio was broken into," he tells me and a feel anger bubble in my stomach. I skip sadness and go straight to rage. I've worked so hard to get my studio and I haven't even been able to even start working out of the space fully yet. I hadn't even started decorating or making it feel like home. I've had no time and yet someone felt the need to already ruin the space, MY space. I can't help but feel like i'll never be able to shake all this negativity. I feel Namjoon turn to look at me and I can't move. I'm afraid that if I open my mouth, I'll scream.

"What happened?" I hear Namjoon asking Detective Lee.

"Someone threw several bricks through the glass door and windows and it triggered the alarm. The alarm company called us and we dispatched a team. Once they arrived they found the 3 of the front glass panels completely shattered. It didn't seem like anything had been taken or tampered with; lots of the equipment was still placed where it seemed it would be but we will need you to go down and confirm that and we can add anything into the report. Now, the most worrisome part wasn't even the physical damage to the building, it was the notes that were tied onto the bricks that were thrown into the building," he continues.

"Wait, the alarm system went off? Did you get an alert?" Namjoon asks me.

"No," I say as I quickly scroll through the calls on my phone. "I'm not sure who Taek set up as the number to alert," I tell him.

"What did the notes say?" Namjoon turns to look at Detective Lee.

"They were very graphic. I don't think we need to tell you verbatim but there were death threats, name calling and threats of continued harassment and violence," he tells me. "The bricks and the notes are all in police custody and are being held as evidence. We are hoping we can find any form of fingerprints or other DNA that could aide us in figuring out who did this," he continues.

"What the hell," Namjoon mutters.

"Do you have any idea who could be doing this?" Detective Lee asks me. I feel Joon reach his out to find mine and squeezes.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now