"My Home Has Beautiful Eyes, The Cutest Nose, The Prettiest Smile..."

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Listen To: "My Home" by The Change. 

The rest of the week and weekend flies by with everyone staying incredibly busy with work. I'm finishing up the last big shoot I have to complete before Jimin and I head out to NYC tomorrow.

"Look this way Ten," I motion for Ten to look away from the camera in the opposite way from YangYang. We've been on the set of their new video for the last 5 hours, taking photos for the promo, social media, TikTok videos, all sorts of stuff. This video is such a fun set. They're having a great time and make it easy for me to have a good time. The song is so catchy and I'm pretty sure I'll be singing it for a while. YangYang hands me a USB drive with the file on it, telling me he put the song on there for me and I smile.

The sun is about to set and i'm exhausted, it's been such a long day. I woke up this morning and went and signed the closing paperwork and dropped off the check for my new studio, I had a meeting with Jaebeom's manager and publicist to finalize the details for the New York trip. I had a therapy session that went well. I can tell progress has been made. My therapist tells me she's proud of how much better my coping skills are and that she sees how hard I've been working to let my guard down and allow others to help me.

I finish up the shoot with the guys and am so excited to get home and edit these images for them. I gather my things and pack up, say goodbye, telling them I'll see them once I'm back from NYC and then head to the car. It's still relatively early in the evening so I decide that instead of going home, I'll head to Nonhyeon-dong Furniture Street to see if I can find a couple of desks and other furniture for the studio.

I plug the usb into the console of the Palisade and smile at the sound of Ten and Yang&Yang's voices. "The song is very relevant to you Noona, you keep your boyfriend very on the low, low," Ten teased me earlier. He's right though, it's pretty spot on. Just as I'm getting into the song, my phone rings and I see Seokjin is calling me.

"Jin-ah," I answer the phone.

"Baby girl, I haven't talked to you since last night, I'm dying," he says dramatically as I laugh. He's right though, they went in to work at 2:00 am to do overseas interviews. Their last week has consisted of nothing but interviews, content pre-recordings, performances and awards acceptance speeches along with some online ads for Hyundai, Samsung, and UNICEF. The comeback is right around the corner so that on top of everything else, is just making things so wild.

"You're so dramatic," I laugh at his reaction.

"But i'm not, I miss you. Where are you?" he asks me.

"I just left the shoot with Ten and YangYang. I have to stop by the company and drop off a hardrive to Sejin and then i'm going to Furniture Street to see if I can find a few things. What about you?" I ask him.

"We are finishing up here soon. Tired, going to be heading home in a little bit," he says to me letting out a loud sigh.

"My poor baby, do you need a massage when you get home?" I ask him.

"Yes please. There's nothing that sounds better than you rubbing me down," he tells me.

"It's a date then," I tell him. "I'll see you when you get home," I finish.

"Eleanor?" He tells me.

"Yeah baby?" I answer back.

"I love you," he says and I feel my whole body fill with warmth.

"I love you," I tell him. He says goodbye and we hang up.

I decide to call Ae-Cha and ask if she is free to meet me and luckily she's working at the company and just got off so we agree to meet on the 1st floor and she will join me.

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