"Because To Me You're The Beginning and The End..."

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Listen To: "Outro: Her" by BTS

Someone once told me that the best sex was always unattached; the ability to let go of every reservation to just let yourself indulge in your own selfish pleasure, knowing you'd never see that person again. I always believed it too. Until 9 months ago, the best sex I'd ever had was with one night stands; men I met, went home with to have a single night of amazing sex and then I'd leave and have zero feelings to deal with or sort through. I was convinced.

That was before falling in love with and having sex with Kim Namjoon. Nothing compares to how it feels when I give him all control and let him use me in whatever way he needs. He's typically so restrained; the composed, responsible and reserved leader but the moment we are alone, he's able to let go. It makes me feel something so inherently possessive knowing that he's able to be himself completely with me; my pleasure comes simply from watching him succumb to me.

His hands move up my legs and land on my hips as he holds himself above me. His eyes lock on mine and he leans in and places his mouth on mine. I sigh into his mouth as he mumbles an 'I love you' against my lips and his hips press against mine. My hands move up his arms and onto his back; the feeling of his muscles taut and firm.

"I adore you," he continues in between kisses to my burning skin; his words like silent prayers to my body. His mouth moves down to my neck as he sucks marks on me, all rationale out the window. My back arches as I feel him move down my clavicle and to the center of my chest, right in between the delicate lace of my bra.

"What do I have to do to make you understand how much you mean to me?" He asks me as his mouth moves over my nipple and licks over the fabric, my whole body trembles from sensitivity.

"You are the person I write every song about; the one I dreamt of and hoped for," he continues and I feel my eyes fill with tears as my fingers lace into his hair. His tongue continues it's work on my body; slowly moving his way down my abdomen. I feel the tears fall off the side of my face and onto the pillow.

"Eleanor," he mumbles as his fingers tug my panties down my legs. "Please, don't ever leave me," he lets out; simply, honestly, and purely. His words linger as his mouth moves down to my core, licking against me as if it's the first time he's ever had me. I'm lost in delirium; the way his words have completely permeate my brain. His tongue moves slowly but so torturously.

After a few minutes of his mouth bringing me right to the edge, my hands move to his shoulders, trying to pull him up.

"Please, please," I tell him. He smiles at me and pulls himself up. I sit up and push his chest so that he stands. I stand in front of him and my hands go to his pants as I pull them down. Once I get them off, I stand up up to face him. My hands move up to his face as I pull him down to me.

"I love you. I love you so much," I whisper.

He wraps his arm around my waist and pushes me back on to the bed. I lay back as he grabs one of my legs and lays it over his shoulder, kissing every part of me he can. He bends down and the moment his lips touch mine, he pushes himself into me and I'm completely taken over with pleasure. He uses his hand to push my leg further into me as he adjusts himself and thrusts his hips into me. His tongue licks my lips as he starts to move frantically into me. He continues this movement for a while and every aspect of time has escaped me. He pushes my hair back, kisses my neck, nudges my nose, and continuously reminds me of how much he loves me. He never fails to use his words in a way that feels like he's pouring his whole heart out to me while his body simultaneously pleases me in ways only he's capable of; it's like poetry in motion and the only thing I'm thinking about it how absolutely, mindblowingly incredible he is and how there's not even the slightest chance in hell that I'll ever be able to live my life without being loved by him. He makes me feel special, wanted, and needed and that's love. It all starts to be too much and I can not hold on any longer; the moment I tilt my pelvis slightly, I feel every nerve ending in my body fire with arousal and I moan out.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now