"The Very Thought Of You, My Love..."

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Listen To: "The Very Thought of You" by John Batiste (Originally by Nat King Cole)

"Do you think you could try and keep them there until 10:00 pm?" I ask Sejin. It's later on in the day and I've already confirmed with the caterer, have the delivery set with the cake, have the champagne and drinks all in the cellar and ready to go. I confirmed with Hyun-Jin, Sana, Ae-Cha, and a couple of other people. I really wanted to make sure it was just super close friends since there will be a celebration on Saturday with all the staff at the company. I text the Eomma's group chat and they all tell me the families are packed and ready to go. They'll be checking into the hotel rooms upon their arrivals this evening and then they'll be coming over in the morning to help me. It will be the first time I spend time alone with them and I'm super nervous but I'm ready for it.

"Thank you Sejin-Nim. We will see you here tomorrow night then?" I finish.

"See you then, El-Ah," he responds and then we hang up the phone.

I feel my phone vibrate in my hand and see a text from Taek letting me know he's on his way. I knew staying away from work would be impossible so I invited him over just to catch up on yesterday and to go over my schedule for next week. I'm pretty booked with Bangtan so I just want to make sure that I have everything appropriately on my schedule. I get up and go to the kitchen to grab my coffee. Luckily I'm not feeling super sick this morning; no real appetite but I'm not puking everywhere so that's good. I hear the chime that alerts me of motion at the front door and open it for Taek. He comes in with with an arm full of files, and his hands holding two tall cups with green juice.

"Morning El-ah!" He greets me. "How are you feeling today? Any better? Did your results come in yet?" He asks.

"I'm feeling a little better. No results yet. Thank you Taek-ah," I say. He hands me one of the plastic cups with the green juice.

"Here's a super healthy juice. It has ginger and kale and tons of other fruits and vegetables and it's supposed to be really great for you," he says. I take a sip and instantly grimace. I've never been a fan of healthy juices and such.

"Thank you Taek," I say to him and continue to drink it hoping I will get accustomed to the taste.

We sit at the kitchen table and go over all the details of next week; on air interviews, digital interviews, performances, guest appearances with different publications, so on and so forth. As I go through all the ending contracts, gallery requests, and upcoming shoots, Taek goes through the things I missed yesterday.

"NCT 127's next event that they're asking for you to be involved in is shooting a whole series at Jeju Island. It's a two day shoot," he informs me. I look at him and think about what I should do.

"Okay let's go ahead and sign the contract but let's see if Hyun-Jin or his associate is available to travel with us," I tell him.

"Us?" He asks inquisitively.

"Yes, I'd like you to start coming with me to shoots. I'd love it if we could get your trained on shoot assisting as well. Is that something you'd be interested in? Don't feel pressured, I can hire a shoot assistant as well," I tell him.

"No! I'd love that, thank you El-ah," he says. I smile at him, happy to see that he's up for the opportunity.

We continue chatting and doing some light work for the next couple of hours. Once it's lunch time, he stands up and says he has to go and I walk him out. I tell him I'll see him Monday and wish him a happy weekend. After he's left, I go in my room,  and get ready for my lunch with Jaebeom. I put on a pair of high waist, wide leg white linen pants, a white, cropped, long sleeved tshirt and a New York Yankee's jersey over the top to add a layer. It's colder out so I want to make sure I'm staying warm. As I lift my head up from buttoning my pants, I feel the whole room spin and my stomach turn. I brace myself on the kitchen counter and try and take some breaths to calm myself down.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now