"That You Are The Reason..."

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Listen To: "You are The Reason" by Callum Scott
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

"Please wake up Ellie. Wake up . Wake up. Wake up," I hear his voice, barley a whisper, begging me, pleading and brittle; the crack making me believe that he's near tears.

Channie? I've never heard him cry so my heart aches, but I can't see him. My eyes won't open.

Open. Open. Open. I need to see my friend. Why is he sad? Don't be sad, Chan-ah. I'm fine. I'm right here. Why are you so worried?

"Ellie, I love you, please, just wake up for me yeah?" I hear him again but this time his voice is far away, so far away.


I'm so cold. Why is it so cold?

"Come on Sweetheart. Wake up for Eomma, please. I need to see your pretty eyes. I miss you so much Eleanor,"

Eomeonim?!?! Why is Yoongi's mom here? Why can't I see her? I'm surrounded by darkness; I can feel her touching me, can smell her, can hear her but why can't I see her?

"Oh my sweet girl, please don't leave us. We can't be without you. He can't be without you darling; he simply can not do this without you and I don't think I will be able to save him," she whimpers through sobs.

I don't understand. Why is she saying that? I'm not going anywhere, Eomeonim. I'm right here. Where's Yoongi? I need Yoongi.

"M'am, please let us through, she's having cardiac arrhythmias and we need to stabilize her heart," I hear an unfamiliar voice.

Yoongi please, where are you? Please...







"She's so loved. So many people want to come see her. Did you hear that Min Yoongi's Eomma was here? The rumor is she is his girlfriend," the unfamiliar voice says. I feel my heart beating in my chest, a soft, lingering pain, like an elephant on my chest.

"But did you see that Bang Chan was here? The night nurse told me; said he was broken up, crying so much," the other adds in.

No. Channie is my best friend. My brother. My twin flame. They've got it all wrong. I try and speak but I can't, my mouth won't open.

Why can't I do anything? Why can't I move or talk? I just want to open my eyes. Why? Why can't I do this?


"Jimin told me to make sure that your hair was combed, that you hate it when you're hair is messy," I hear her voice again, Eomeonim. "Jungkookie told me to tell you that he misses you. They all do. They're lost without you Sweetheart. They wish they could be here so badly. Taehyung told me to make sure you're wearing your fuzzy socks. Namjoon sent you an orchid, said that it would help bring you peace and tranquility. Hoseokie said to make sure that I put these sheet masks on your face because you are very strict about your skincare. Seokjin told me to make sure the nurses were putting enough vitamins in your IV so that you were still getting nutrition. They love you so much darling, so much. They're going crazy right now. I don't think I've ever seen my son the way he is right now. He told me to play this playlist for you, because you love music and he wants to make sure that you wake up listening to this song in particular," she says and then I hear the music filling my ears, the darkness that surrounds me.

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