"So It Goes, Some Things Are Meant To Be..."

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Listen to: "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Kasey Musgraves (Originally by Elvis Presley)

"Chan-ah, where are you?" I ask him. I look over at Jungkook, annoyance on his face. I'm overcome with guilt. I don't blame him, if some drunk woman called him late at night just as we're about to have sex, I'd be annoyed too.

"I'm at a club called Soap. Soap? That's a funny name. Soap. I think that's what its called. I came with Minho and Changbin but I lost them and now I don't know how to get home. Can you take me home?" He slurs out. It's hard to hear him with all the noise in the background. Shit. Minho and Changbin too?

"Have you tried calling Minho and Binnie?" I ask him.

"They don't answer. Minho was dancing with a guy and then they disappeared and I don't know what happened to Bin," he mumbles out, his drunkenness, the sound of the bass behind him and his accent making it extra hard to understand him.

"I'll reach out to your manager for you. I can't take you home, Channie," I say to him.

"But why? Is it because of your boyfriend? Is that who answered the phone." He asks. "I want you, El. Please," I can hear him pouting. I put him on speaker as I send his manager a text letting him know that Chan is drunk and where he needs to be picked up. Oh, and that he's lost Changbin and Minho.

"Chan, it's late. I've already texted Moon-ssi and asked him to pick you up. He will be much better help than I will," I say to him.

"Eleanorrrrrr," he whines. "I'm gonna get into so much trouble. I'm supposed to be at the dorms. We snuck out. El, is your boyfriend mad? He doesn't need to be jealous. You're my best friend. I love you Eleanor," he garbles. My eyes rocket back to JK; his tense jaw and furrowed brow a dead giveaway at his displeasure. My phone vibrates in my hand and I see a response from his manager apologizing profusely and letting me know that he is rushing out to go get him and try to find the others.

"Chan, Moon-ssi is on his way to get you. Go home and get some rest and I'll talk to you another day, okay?" I say to him.

"Fuck, I'm in so much trouble. Okay. Bye El-Ah. Love youuuuuuuuu," he says and I hang up the phone. I feel conflicted; I'm worried for my friend but I'm also hoping I didn't hurt Jungkook's feelings. I place the phone on my dresser and turn around to look at Jungkook. I walk to him and stand in front of him, sitting at the edge of his bed.

"Kook-ah—" I start.

"Hold on. I just need to say something," he starts. He reaches his hand out and holds mine. "I know Chan is your friend and your relationship is platonic and I trust you; I want to make it clear that I do trust YOU," he says.

"But..." I say.

"But I don't trust him," he says to me. "He knows you're in a relationship and yet he still felt the need to call you drunk at," he grabs my wrist to look at my watch, "10:00 pm and ask you to pick him up? He's well aware that he has a personal manager who's job it is to look after him, so why does he call you?" He asks rhetorically.

"I'm sorry," I say as I look down.

"El," Jungkook says as he stands up and pulls my face up to look at him. "It's not your fault. I just— I hope you can see where I'm coming from. You are so sweet and so kind but sometimes you give people too much credit. I'm not saying Chan isn't a good person but it's always been pretty obvious to me that he's attracted to you and this proves that," he says.

"You seriously think that? I don't see it. Am I really that naive?" I ask him. He smiles at me and pulls me against his body.

"Eleanor, I love you but yes, you can be naive," He tells me. I appreciate how honest he always is with me. "I think you just really like to see only the good in people but everyone isn't as good as you give them credit for. You're in a different world now, you have to have your guard up a little bit more. I'm not saying don't be your normal, friendly, kind self but just be more aware of those around you; you can't trust everyone," he tells me. His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me and falls back on the bed, all of my weight landing on him.

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