"Just Come Into My Arms; Destroy Me If You Want...

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Listen To: "음 (Mmmh) " by KAI
I sent the photo of my outfit as soon as I sat down on the table and I can feel my phone vibrating incessantly in my purse. I smile knowing that their reaction is probably a good one. I smile and reach down to my phone because I can't resist to know what they're saying.

I think you need to know that half of us have had to leave the room we were all in.

LOL. I'd say i'm sorry, but i'm not.

Life is so unfair 😔

Can someone please explain how we are supposed to just sit here knowing our girlfriend looks like that, in a room full of horny idols?

I hadn't even thought of that. Shit.

It's not fair that everyone else gets to see you in those dresses and we only get photos.

I'm not sure I can continue working for the rest of the night.

Noona, how high does that slit go?

You want to know something that might help you all get through the rest of the night?

Please, tell us anything at this point.

These 'horny idols' might be able to see me in this dress but only you can take it off. Only you can put your hands on me; can kiss every inch of skin they only get to look at. You're the only ones  that get to bend me over and... Oh shit, I need to go, the guys are coming to the table to say hello.

I know that I've just teased the shit out of them and run away but I get so much satisfaction knowing that I'm the only thing all 7 of them are going to be thinking about for the rest of the night.

The guys come to the table and individually say hi to me. Their hugs linger a little bit longer today; words of encouragement and support flood my ears. They're so sweet. I introduce them to Kat, telling them she's a friend from back home that's here visiting. They all bow and wave at her politely. Yuta sits down on my right side and scoots close so that he can talk to me.

"Are you doing okay?" He asks sweetly; his hand grabs mine and squeezes. Yuta and I have grown close in the last couple of months and I appreciate his friendship so much. I turn to look at him and smile.

"Yeah, I'm trying. I'm seeing my therapist a lot and just trying to take it day by day," I explain. "I've lost the hope of ever having a relationship with my mother and that's the part that hurts. It's the feeling that I'll never truly know what it's like to have family," I say to him. He nods slightly.

"But you have us, your friends, and your boyfriend and that's all that matters right? Family doesn't have to be blood," he reminds me.

"Yeah, you're right. I am trying to pull myself out of that negative mindset. The feeling that I have this dark cloud looming over me and only bad things happen to me and I'll end up alone and sad. I'm sorry, I just unloaded a ton on you," I say with a laugh. He throws his arm behind my chair and pulls me in to squeeze me close to him.

"Don't apologize. I actually could relate to your situation more than you know. Let's get together soon, outside of work," he says to me. I nod at him and he smiles at me.I feel another arm come around the chair and look to my other side to see Taeyong play fighting with Yuta for the back of the chair. Yang Yang comes to the table with a few drinks and sets one in front of me with a wink.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now