"I'm Getting Used To Receiving, Still Getting Good At Not Leaving..."

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Listen to:  'pov' by Ariana Grande

I close my eyes as I feel his tongue against my skin. It's maddening. The way he feels, the way I feel. It's overstimulating without even trying. He traces his fingers up my torso, leaving a trail of anticipation with every touch. I feel like I'm going to explode. God, I missed him. Missed the way his hands always know where to be, missed the way his mouth has every inch of my body memorized and knows where exactly to go.

"Oh-" I start to moan out as he brings his hands under my knees and props my feet up on his thighs. He's being so soft, yet so demanding with his movement; placing me exactly where he wants me with so much dominance. He pulls on my hands to sit me up so I'm facing him. He leans in to kiss me and I watch as he starts unbuttoning his pants and pulling them off his legs.

I whine as I watch him. Damn, how long has it been? I start doing mental math in my head; 10 days. It's been 10 days and I'm starved; feeling depraved from his touch.

He steps out of his pants and I bring my hand down and start to stroke him. He's already hard but I just need to touch him; need to feel him in my grasp. I missed the way he feels, the weight of him in my hands. He lets out a breathy sigh; a sound so beautiful that I there is absolutely no way I could ever live without hearing it every day for the rest of my life. I watch him dissolve slowly from my touch. He brings his own hand in between my legs, where he runs his fingers up my very exposed and very wet core.

"So ready for me, baby girl" he rasps through moans as I continue to stoke him; picking up the pace and twisting my wrist as I pull on him gently.

"Please, Yoongi. Just—please," I whine needily against his lips as I pull his face to me with my other hand and kiss him messily.

"That whine is what kills me," I hear another voice and shift my eyes up to see Hoseok, Namjoon, and Seokjin standing at the entrance to the dining room, watching me intently. I can feel myself clench and I whimper at the sight of them as Yoongi continues to expertly use his fingers on me. They each put their things down and walk toward the table; Namjoon and Seokjin on one side and Hoseok on the other. They sit on the chairs and just watch; legs spread open and eyes are black with desire.

I feel Yoongi take himself from my hands and with his other, push me gently so that I'm laying on my back against the table. I feel him press himself against my entrance and start to push in slowly, savoring every single second of what we are experiencing. I let my head lull over to the left as my back arches from the pleasure and make eye contact with Jin.

"키스해주세요" I tell him. He leans forward, pushes my hair back and his lips envelop mine in a heated, deep kiss that I feel deep in my core.

"Shit, so good baby," I hear Yoongi say out loud. I let out a hiss when I feel a hot, wetness against my nipple and look over to see Hoseok is flicking his tongue and biting down on my chest. I can't help the whimper that vibrates through me. Yoongi is rolling his hips into me slowly and torturously; hitting the very spot that makes my toes curl with arousal.

"씨발" I hear Namjoon grunt as he pulls himself out of the chair. All I hear are the sounds of skin on skin, panting and moaning. It's obscene and incredible at the same time. I feel Namjoon's mouth land on my neck, sucking on the spot right below my ear that drives me insane. I look slightly at Hobi, who's still working on my chest, running his tongue all over me and I feel the tingle in my core. Seokjin brings my attention back to him and I kiss him.

"You like this baby girl?" Jin mutters against my mouth and I nod my head, not trusting the words that could come out of my mouth. "Like to have all of us watching you, pleasing you?" He continues and I'm positive that I'm about to die.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now