"I Love You, Boy..."

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Listen to: "I Love You, Boy" by Suzy
I move my mouth down the center of his chest, down to his stomach, just below his belly button. I feel him writhe beneath me, moaning in a way that makes my brain feel foggy and drunk. I run my tongue from right above his length, back up to his stomach. He pushes his hips up as he whines and it takes every ounce of self control I have to pull away from him.

"No," I whisper against his stomach, letting my breath linger against his skin and watching the goosebumps blossom across his body. I take my hands and pin his hips down to the bed.

"제발 부탁할게" he whines. I thought this was what I wanted; but now I'm looking at his big, wide eyes and hearing his voice—broken, sweet begging, I don't know if I'll be able to hold my stance.

"You should have thought about the consequences while you were purposely not listening to me," I scold him. This is so much harder than it seems. I sit myself back up on his lap, feeling his length sitting right in between my legs. I hear him suck air through his teeth at the feeling of his very sensitive tip grazing against the textured fabric of my lace panties. I roll my hips, torturing him slowly with each sway of my body against his. His eyes are shut tight and he's biting down on his bottom lip.

"Look at me," I tell him as I grind against him. He opens his eyes and watches me. His mouth agape and his eyes fucked out. I push against him harder, basking in the immense arousal I'm feeling, using him for my own pleasure.

I work myself into a frenzy as he watches me; overwhelmed by how good something so simple is making me feel. I let my hand trace down his chest gently, teasing him mercilessly. I let my palm rest on his sternum as I use him for leverage while I continue to torture him. I get so lost in him that I don't even notice he's rocking his hips up to meet mine until one particularly rough push up and my hand slides down his chest and lands around his neck, grasping around him out of sheer reflex. I hear his gasp out and I pull away, freaked out.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I let out frantically, my hands going to his face to make sure he's okay.

"No, don't—" he responds. "Keep it there," he says and my eyes go wide.

"What?" I ask, making sure I heard him right.

"Put your hand back" He whines. "You said you wanted control. Take it. Use me," he says to me and I can't believe what he is asking of me but I do as he asks and bring my hand back up and around his neck. I watch as his lips part and that god forsaken whine rings through the air again and I'm on the brink of losing my mind. I needed him desperately. I pull off of him and pull my panties off. He doesn't take his eyes off of me for a single second. Once I've taken them off, I go back down to his hips, grab him and hold him as I slowly sink down on him. My hands once again sit on his chest as I wind my hips back and forth, feeling him tight against me.

"Oh my god," I moan out as I continue to move against him. "God. Yes. Oh. My" at this point I'm beyond the formation of any cohesive thoughts.

"El-ah, please," he whines. I look down at him and can see he's losing it. He keeps pulling on the restraint and his wrists are cherry red from his struggle to get loose. I bring one hand back around his throat and lean my mouth to his, allowing for his length to be almost completely out but not quite. It feels like standing at the ledge, ready to jump. It's exhilarating. I tighten my grip around his neck, the safe way, the way Hoseok taught me, and I hear him gasp.

"What's wrong baby?" I tease him. "Do you want to touch?" I ask as I start bouncing on him, increasing the movement against him. I watch him close his eyes and see his jaw clench; the arousal I feel as I watch him tortured by pleasure is out of this world.

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