"I Cannot Breathe Without You Being Right By My Side, I'll Die..."

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Listen To: "Red Lights" by Stray Kids

"Safe word?" He demands.

"Koya," I tell him.

"Use it if you need it. Do not hesitate. Understand?" He asks me firmly.

"Yes," I respond. It's never lost on me that my safety and comfort are always a priority to them.

"Undress me," he demands. His eyes are black; clouded by lust and desire. I know that he's in a whole other world and I'm excited to play with him. I bring my hands up to the band of his sweatpants and pull them down, not surprised to see he's not wearing any underwear. My mouth waters at the sight of him. Nothing gives me quite as much satisfaction as sucking them off; knowing that I can pleasure them in a way that makes them literally scream my name, makes me incredibly happy. Namjoon in particular has always been very vocal when I take him; I live for the way his voice drops and moans tumble from those gorgeous lips of his, husky and guttural.

I pull his pants all the way off his legs and toss them aside. I sit on my heels, facing him with my hands on my lap, wanting to make sure he knows that he's in full control. I lick and bite down on my bottom lip as I watch his dick twinge. I swallow hard. He leans toward me and brings his finger under my jaw and pulls me up to him so I'm straight up on my knees. 

"What's the matter baby? See something you like?" He asks me. I nod my head and he brings his mouth down to mine and kisses me softly at first, then he bites down on my lip and lets out a soft laugh.

"Be a good girl and use your words," he tells me. "What does my sweet thing want?" He asks me.

"Want to touch you," I say. His eyes narrow at me and he let's out a tsk.

"Want to rephrase that, pretty?" He says to me.

"May I please touch you?" I try again. I know exactly what he wants, I'm just playing dumb. But the thought of him punishing me makes my whole body tingle with anticipation.

"May I please touch you, what?" He pushes.

"Joon-ah?" I say, dumbly. I feel his hand make contact with my ass as he smacks me; a delicious shiver of pain rolls through my body.
"Try again," he reprimands.

"Namjoon?" I continue; batting my lashes at him and wanting him to spank me again.


I feel the burning on my skin and the simultaneous clench in my core. Fuck, this is intense and I'm pretty sure I could come just by this.

"Don't you want to be good for me? Why are you misbehaving?" He asks darkly.

"Daddy?" I give into him. The moment the word leaves my mouth, he stands up, pulls me up off my knees, and throws me on the bed. He hovers his body over mine; he heat radiating from him is so intense that I can feel the beads of sweat starting to form on my own skin.

"That's my girl," he mumbles into my mouth as he kisses me hard. He's insatiable; completely feral.

He straddles my lap, his very hard dick laying on my stomach, as he reaches for my hands,  stretches them up above my body and then grabs the handcuffs on the bed next to his knee. He loops the handcuffs though the wooden slats of his headboard and then wraps the cold metal around each of my wrists. The feeling of his skin on mine is like fire. His dick, precome dripping, leaves a trail of wetness as he leans forward. I look down to see him right in between my chest and I feel my core flutter at the sight. It's the single most obscene and beautiful thing I've ever seen. 

He kisses me from my wrists all the way down my arm until he's back toward my face. He presses his mouth onto mine as his tongue licks the seam of my mouth, asking to be let in. As soon as I open my mouth to let him in, he grinds his hips into me, his dick pressing against my very wet panties. I let out a moan and my back arches off the bed; the feeling of him pressed against my very sensitive core.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now