"I See Only You. I See Nothing But You..."

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Surprise! Double Update this week!

Listen To:  'Hold Me Tight' by BTS
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]


It seems kind of creepy, just watching her but it's addicting, I'm mesmerized. I can see what other people see and I get it; I mean, I know why I love her but now I can see why other people are so drawn to her. She's flawless; her smile fills the whole room.  I am drunk on the way she scrunches her nose when she finds something endearing or the way she tilts her head when she's trying to focus. I can't help the tinge of jealousy I feel at the sight of her talking to all these people; the way men and women alike are flocking to her, hands on her, touching her. She's magnetic, drawing everyone's attention by just existing.

I think about the girls I dated before her; the one's I thought I could possibly love, none of them even came close to her. The way she has me completely and utterly fascinated and in love is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I didn't know what love was until I met her.

At first I thought I was just obsessed with her because she was beautiful, or because she was older, wiser and completely different from any other woman I had ever had a crush on. "She's unattainable Jungkook-ah. That's why you have a crush on her," Yoongi said to me. But the moment I walked her to her hotel room, the very first day; the moment I saw her smile at me, I knew it wasn't a crush. She had me hooked instantly. So of course I'm going to feel jealousy when other people so freely get to touch her.

No one has show me support like her; her heart is so big. She loves me in ways I didn't know I needed. She loves me gently, when I'm feeling overwhelmed and anxious. She loves me deeply, when she's proud of me. She loves me madly when I push her buttons. But most of all she loves me for me; for the introverted, extrovert who speaks in pout, the boy who loves to show affection, and the man who is learning about life as he goes.

"Ya, fix your face Jungkookie. It won't take a genius to see that you're staring at her," Jimin chastises me. I look over at him, roll my eyes and take a drink of my beverage. I pull out my phone and send her another text. 

"You're so beautiful. You're every dream I've ever had, come true."

I watch her as she pulls her phone out and a smile creeps across her face. God, I love her so damn much. Those golden eyes that are so striking and enticing. Her pouty lips, pink and swollen. Her smooth, tan skin that looks like she's been kissed by the sun to perfection. She pushes her caramel colored hair behind her ear and my heart skips a beat as I watch her. And the best part about it is she's just as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. I've never met anyone as kind, as sweet, as selfless, as hardworking, as absolutely incredible as her.

Both of her hands come to the screen to respond and that's when I see Eunwoo make his way to her. He says something and I see her smile at him and wrap her arms around him to hug him.

"Does he have to hug her so tightly?" I hear Taehyung mumble out on the other side of me. I watch the way his hands land on the curve of her waist as he pulls her into his body. Eunwoo is a long time friend and I trust him but I can't lie and say it doesn't stir something in me to see him touch her so effortlessly.

"Why do you both have to be so jealous? She's ours you know? You don't have to worry about her and anyone else. Just trust her and enjoy the fact that even if all these people did want her, she still would only wants us," Jimin says.

He's right. She's never given us a reason to be jealous but I can't help it. I wish I could be touching her. I wish I was next to her, letting everyone know that she's my girlfriend. I would do anything, anything, to be able to hold her hand and introduce her to my friends. To be able to say 'this is my girlfriend. The love of my life,' I know eventually it will happen but for now, I'll just wallow in self pity.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now