"Sometimes I Feel Like I'm Drowning And You're There To Save Me..."

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Listen To: "Malibu" by Miley Cyrus

We rush inside the house, soaking wet, as Jungkook clings to me by my waist. I'm freezing but the heat he's radiating is keeping me warm. We walk in the door and take off our shoes and before he can go running inside the house I stop him.

"You'll get water all over the floors, Kookie. Strip and we will come get the clothes after we wash up," I tell him. He smiles down at me and before I can deny him the chance, he moves his hands to the hem of my shirt and pulls it up and off my body slowly.

His fingers linger against my skin as he slowly moves his way down to the waistband of my pants. He unbuckles them and then pulls them down slowly. He's being so soft, so sweet, and I feel so safe, so cared for. After he's taken my pants off, he stands back up and I push my hands under his shirt and flatten my hands against the hardness on his torso, leaning my body into his and tilting my head up to look at him.

"Will you kiss me, please?" I ask him. He smiles at me and kisses me softly. I pull his shirt up and over his head. I throw it to the pile with my clothes. I run my fingers down his chest and stomach until I reach his pants and pull them down his legs. Once he steps out of them, I stand back up and he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Let's go," he tells me as he reaches down and pulls me up by my thighs so he can carry me. I nuzzle into his neck as I take a deep breath and my fingers linger up and down his spine. We reach my room and he walks us into my bathroom. He puts me down gently and I make my way to the shower and turn it on as he stands behind me, gently unclasping my bra. I step back and into his chest and he leans down to slide my panties off. I turn back toward him and grab his hand to lead him into the water. He pulls me close to him and I lean my head onto his chest, just letting the water and his arms envelope me in it's warmth.

"I love you El," he says to me as he strokes my hair. I can feel his heart beating against my cheek.

"I love you, JK," I respond softly. "I'm sorry I keep pushing you away. I just— I don't know if I will ever believe that I deserve you," I tell him honestly. "I feel like, I either ruin everyone that is in my life or they leave me and I don't want to do that to you. I just want to love you and be loved by you but why is it so hard for me?" I say as I start to cry softly.

"Baby," he says to me as he hugs me tightly to his body. "I wish you could see how good you are," he tells me. "I wish I could hold up a mirror, where you could see what I see in you. You haven't ruined anyone, El-ah. You can't take responsibility for anyone else's choices and decisions. Your mother, your father, your exes; they all made choices and none of them had to do with you," he explains. "Look at me, 내 사랑," he tells me as he pulls my chin up to face him.

"Do you understand how much happiness you've brought to my life? I don't know where I'd be without you," he tells me. The tears stream down my face and looking at him makes my heart feel so full. "I knew, from the moment I watched you walk into that room, that I wanted you. You have shown me what love is. What happiness truly means. All of the things I want out of life, I want them with you," he continues. "You don't have to be scared with me El; I won't ever leave you. I just need you to let me love you, that's it," he says as his hands massage my shoulders and he leans down to kiss me.

His thumbs stroke my cheeks as he rests his forehead on mine. We take our time in the shower, spending most of it just wrapped up in each other. We finish and get changed into pajamas and head to the table to eat the delivery food that has now gotten cold.

"Where is everyone else, by the way?" I ask him and before he can even answer me, we hear the footsteps and loud voices coming from the front room. I smile instantly as I hear Jimin and Seokjin fighting over who's going to kiss me first. JK grabs my arm and pulls me onto his lap and squeezes me.

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