"Where Ever You Stray, I'll Follow..."

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Listen To: "Willow" by Taylor Swift

I wake up early, way before even they have to be up and I know exactly what I need to do and I need to do it before they wake up for the day. My stomach churns slightly as I sneak out from under Yoongi's arms and look at the clock. 4:00 am. They won't need to be up for another hour. I know the continence store a few miles down is open so I decide to go there. I put on some pants, grab a hat and mask and tip toe my way out of the house and into the Palisade. I drive quickly down the road and stop outside of the convenience store. I make sure my mask is pulled all the way up and my hat is covering my hair. I walk in and go straight to the section I need.

I look at the variety of boxes and can't decide which one is best so I grab all the ones they have. I head to the cashier, hand her my card and pay for my purchases, shoving the boxes into the pocket of JK's hoodie and make my way back to my car. By the time I come back home, it's only been 15 minutes since I've been gone. I grab a disposable cup from the kitchen cabinet, make my way to the main bathroom in the hallway and close the door softly behind me.

I'm no stranger to this. I've done it before; never quite this nervous or terrified but equally as hopeful for a negative result. I sit on the toilet, grab the cup and do what I need to do. I place the cup on the counter next to me, finish up and wash my hands. I open all 3 boxes and quickly gloss over the instructions, knowing damn well that I'm versed in the process. I take each stick, dip them in the cup, put the caps back on, and cover them so that I'm not staring, willing the inevitable results to show up.

This can't happen right now. It can't. Our lives are going so well. Not that a baby wouldn't be welcomed and loved, but right now just isn't the right time. They've reached a level of success that can only be described as incredible and they need to focus on their music.

I sit on the toilet lid, my hands on my knees, trying to stop them from bouncing with anxiety. As I'm sitting there taking deep breaths and staring at the clock on my phone screen, I see the door open and a half asleep Taehyung walks in. There isn't even a way for me to react quick enough to hide what I'm doing.

"Angel, what's going on?" He says as he looks around at the boxes and the cup sitting on the counter. His eyes come back to mine and he swallows hard.

"I—" I stammer out. I can't understand why I'm so scared to tell him. It's not like he'd be mad at me; none of them would be. I guess it's just the scars left over from old relationships that continue to haunt me.

"Do you think you're pregnant?" He says as he closes the door behind him and comes and crouches down in between my legs, holding my hands and trying to calm me down.

"I don't know. I don't think so but last night when I was falling asleep, I heard Yoongi talking to someone about being worried that maybe I am so I wanted to be 100% sure," I tell him. He reaches his hand up to me and cups my cheek.

"Baby. You should have told us. Should have told me. This isn't something you should ever do alone, especially if you're feeling scared or anxious about it," he says and my eyes go back to the door where I see and hear Jimin and Jungkook jokingly barge in, racing to see who'd get the shower first. When they see Taehyung and I, their faces freeze. Jimin pulls JK into the door and closes it softly behind him.

"What's going on?" Jungkook says as his eyes go wide and he drops to his knees next to me.

"Shhhh," I say as my hand goes to his face, trying to take away the worry I can see forming in lines on his forehead.

"Noona? Are you pregnant?" Jimin asks me as he kneels on the other side of Tae. All three of them on the floor, comforting me even though they're scared shitless, I'm sure.

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