"You Are The Reason I Live and Breathe..."

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Listen To: "IF You Leave Me" by Seventeen
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

I am addicted. It's unlike any high I've ever felt before and all I can think about is how much I need it; want it more than anything. My body feels like it's floating above everything and I am in a state of pure and utter bliss. Park Jimin is my addiction; my chosen drug. I will never, ever have enough of him and right now, the only coherent thoughts in my brain are 'Jimin, Jimin, Jimin'.

"Tell me Noona," he whispers in my ear as his breath causes goosebumps to scatter all over my skin; sticky with sweat and burning to the touch. He's been teasing me relentlessly, making me beg; bringing me to the very edge and then stopping, making me work for what I want. "Tell me how much you want me," he demands as he pushes my knee further into my chest with one hand while he works his fingers inside of me with the other. It's the most mind numbing pleasure I've ever experience; pain and pleasure simultaneously wrecking my body.

I feel like I'm about to absolutely lose my mind and I know 100% it's just the power dynamics; he's got every ounce of control as he's fully clothed, his clothes in tact, while i'm laying completely bare beneath him. It makes me feel passive, obedient to him while he flexes every muscle of power over me. Gone is my sweet, calm, love making Jiminie. I'm currently playing with rough, demanding, 'fuck me into another dimension' Park Jimin and I've never wanted him so bad.

"I can't hear you," he growls at me as he bites down on my shoulder. I hiss at the feeling but love the way the burn shoots through my whole body, making the pleasure that much more delicious. I feel the tightening in my belly and my toes start to curl as I start to reach my orgasm. And before I can even let myself get lost in it, he stops thrusting into me abruptly, pulls his fingers out and the sound of my frustrated scream rings through the room.

"I told you," he whispers into my ear and I feel the tears falling from my eyes, feeling so completely overwhelmed but completely unsatisfied. It's actually painful, the feeling of reaching your climax and then, just as you're about to indulge in the pleasure, it's ripped away from you. "You didn't listen to me. You were bad Noona and you don't get to come when you are bad," he growls and I feel a shiver run all the way down my spine at his words. Even though I'm frustrated and wound up and in pain, I love dominant Jimin so fucking much.


I hear the door swing open and turn my head to look toward the entrance of the room to see Namjoon standing there, his jaw tense as he bites his bottom lip and I can tell he's upset. Jimin doesn't make any sudden movements, just takes a look over at the door and continues to move his mouth against my neck.

"What's wrong Joonie?" I ask between gasps of air, trying to focus on him and not the way Jimin in running his tongue against my burning skin.

"I heard you fucking scream and I thought something happened to you," he says as he crosses his arms across his chest. I feel Jimin scoff above me.

"As you can see, she's absolutely fine," he say with an eye roll and I push him off me.

"Ya, mind your manners," I gently scold. I turn back to Namjoon and see he's been joined by Seokjin and Yoongi flanked on either side of him.

"I'm sorry Daddy," I say to him with a pout. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm good. Jiminie is making me feel so, so good," I moan out and I see the exact moment in which Namjoon's switch is flipped.

"Fuck" I hear Jimin pant as his hand moves in between us and his fingers gently push themselves back into me. I hiss through my teeth and arch my back at the feeling of him working me back up again.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now