"Tell Me What's Worse, Losing You Now Or Later?...."

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Listen To: "Die First" by Nessa Barrett
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

I feel his breath hit my neck as tears roll down my cheeks and goosebumps scatter across my skin. I screw my eyes shut as he presses his lips against my jaw and I swallow hard, knowing I need to be strong.

"The moment this is over, we're going to live life," Yoongi whispers into my ear. "We are going to travel everywhere you want to go, eat all the food, see all the beauty the world has to offer. We are going to do it together," he continues. "I'm going to show you everything you've ever wanted to see. I'm not going to waste one more second of our life together," he finishes and I sigh knowing that that's all I want. I want this to be over so that I can just live. He kisses me softly and I watch him step aside and see Namjoon walk to me.

His fingers tangle into the hair on the nape of my neck as he pulls me toward him, his lips ghosting mine as I feel him exhale. I know he's worried; they all are, but he takes the brunt of the burden because he always feels like he has to protect, to take care of me, of all of us. I press my body against his and let my lips find his; trying to find a way, anyway to comfort him and let him know that I'll be okay.

"I love you," he whispers. "I love you so much. I just— I need you to be okay because without you, I'm nothing Sweet Thing," he says. I kiss him again and wrap my arms around his neck. I mumble an 'I love you' into his hair and let him go as I feel hands against my hips. He pulls me against his chest and wraps his arms around my waist and I already know who it is.

"There is nothing, nothing in this world that I will ever love as much as I love you," he says softly into my ear and for some reason, when he says those things, it hits me deeper, harder, stronger. Hoseok is often times so internal about his feelings, preferring to show me how he feels, that when I hear him be vulnerable and honest, it makes me so much more appreciative of it. I turn in his arms and let my hands fall around his waist, pulling him as close to me as I can.

"Promise me you'll be here waiting for me the moment this is over?" I ask him. He tilts his head in confusion and pushes my hair behind my ear.

"I'll be the first person you see, I promise," he says. He kisses me so softly and sweetly and I can't help the way my heart swells with love him— the love that hit me like a ton of bricks. He places one last kiss against my mouth and then lets me go and into the arms of Seokjin.

He looks absolutely torn, worry lacing his beautiful face— his eyes forlorn and blank. He doesn't move, he stays there, and just stares at me. I take a step forward and let my hands cup his face as I push myself onto my tiptoes to reach his face. He leans down and presses his forehead against mine.

"I didn't mean it," he whispers.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, confused.

"When I told you I couldn't do it anymore. When I said I couldn't keep convincing you that I love you," he responds, his breath hitching as he remembers the day that we both hate to think about; the day I left him, the day he gave up.

"Jin-ah," I whisper as I feel myself start to cry.

"I want this with you— every day. I want to fight with you, I want to make up with you, I want to spend every breath I have left to breathe, solely being with you," he let's out as he kisses me softly. "I want nothing more than you— that's it. You're it. We're it," he finishes.

"I love you with every single cell in my body, Seokjin. You are embedded so deep within me— never forget that," I say to him. He nods and kisses me again. After a few moments, I release him and see Taehyung; he reaches out for my hand and I place mine in his as he pulls me close and wraps me in his arms. We slow dance, the same as we always have, with the window behind us lit up by the beautiful city lights and the man I love singing in my ear.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now