"As Long As We Are Together, Even The Endless Maze Is A Paradise..."

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Listen to: "Love Maze" by BTS

I slide my finger on the screen and notice I also have new text messages (even though I just checked my phone less than 5 minutes ago). I swipe though to Instagram and open to see that Ae-Cha tagged me in her story. I go look and sure enough, it's a picture of us in the bathroom, she's standing with her phone in front of her, looking immaculate and I'm leaned over, looking in the mirror, unknowingly, and adjusting my lipstick. It's actually a super pretty and aesthetic photo. The follower notifications just keep coming. I close the app out and try not to let myself feel too overwhelmed. I knew that sooner or later, the fans would catch on but I guess I was hoping I had a little more time to adjust. The thought of having this many people following me, kind of makes me feel like throwing up; not because I'm not incredibly grateful for the support but that's just a ton of eyes on me.

I open my text messages and see that the alert is coming from our group text thread.


Yes, Joon-ah?

Princess, we just watched Ae-Cha's instagram story.

Oh my god.

What? I haven't seen it.

Is this what having a heart attack feels like?

I'm getting into a car and driving over there right now.

I'm going with Jungkookie

Oh shit

I think it's called a panic attack, Jin-Hyung

I swear to god, if even one person goes near you.

You seriously think they haven't? Do you see her? She's gorgeous hyung. We are so fucked.


You can't. The moment you show up, you'll cause pandemonium. Everyone knows this isn't your scene. Seriously, It's fine. Besides, I don't understand what you guys are freaking out about.

El, did you not LOOK in that mirror?

I just texted Ae-Cha and she says that men have been sending them drinks and staring all night.

She's exaggerating. They're all looking at her. I swear, she's the one that's gotten all the attention. She looks incredibly sexy.

Noona, do you not understand how incredibly sexy YOU look?

No one is going anywhere except for home. We will be done soon and we will see you when you get home El. 

Before I can even respond to him, I feel a body near me and look up to see a familiar face.

"Lucas!" I say as I smile at him.

"El-ah! Wow, you look incredible," he tells me as his eyes drag up and down my body, leaving me feeling shy.

"Thank you. You look amazing as well," I say to him and I look on either side of him to see he's surrounded by people.

"Taeyong? Mark? Ten?" I say and they all smile at me. I stand up and hug them.

"It's so nice to see you guys!" I tell them.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now