"Nothing Better Than You..."

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Listen To: "Nothing Better" by Brown Eyed Soul

"Jimin, you've got to be joking. What are you saying?" I ask. He smiles at me and then brings his hands up to my jaw.

"Eleanor," he starts. "Let's go. We can have her and her fiancé sign non-disclosures and we can spend some time alone," he tells me and I'm taken aback. In hindsight, it sounds easy enough but could we really pull this off? I think we both might just be running on high hopes and adrenaline at this point.

"Jimin," I say softly. "I— baby, this is a lot," I tell him honestly. His eyes lock with mine and he pouts slightly.

"Do you not want to introduce me as your boyfriend?" He asks me and shit, does my heart ache when I hear him ask me that.

"No, Jimin-ah. Oh, that's not it at all," I reassure him. "I just want to make sure it's safe. I'd love to introduce you and go with you but I want us to do it safely," I continue.

"We can. The company has already said they're going to announce we are taking a break and will be traveling individually so our fans will be aware that we will be out so, if someone saw me in Las Vegas they wouldn't think anything weird of it. And if they saw you and Hyun-Jin with me, they would probably just assume we were doing some private schedules. And you can bring your new body guard with you as well," he tells me.

I think about it and he's right. It is kind of passable; their fans are respectful enough to where we could make it work. We wouldn't be able to just be carefree and unrestricted; we would still need to stay inside most of the time to avoid people but we could make it happen. We need to bring it up to Bang PD-Nim but it might work. I just hired a friend of Hyun-Jin's as my new body guard, Daehyun, and he's going to be going with Namjoon, Taek and myself to Jeju tomorrow so he could come with us to the states along with Hyun-Jin, if necessary. It also dawns on me that Jimin's the only one who hasn't told his family about our relationship, so telling Kat that he's my boyfriend would be the first time we've told anyone outside of our group about our individual relationship. Obviously Kat and Liam would need to be okay with signing a NDA but I don't think that should be a problem. For some reason, something just isn't sitting right though. I can't put my finger on it. My stomach churns and I feel a wave of nausea wash over me; not sure if it's just because I'm still sick or it's just from the bad feeling.

"Noona?" I hear Jimin's voice bring me out of my internal debate.

"Okay," I say as I look at him. His eyes literally twinkle and his whole face lights up.

"Okay? We're going?" He asks me.

"We can try and see if we can make it work. Let's just talk to the others, PD-Nim and Sejin about it," I tell him. I want to make sure, more than anything that we are all on the same page with this. It isn't like our previous trip; where Jimin went with me and he just hung out in the hotel room the whole time. This trip he'd be meeting my best friend and her partner and I want to make sure that everyone is okay with that. He smiles and presses his lips against mine in a way that's so passionate and desperate that it makes me feel like I can't breathe.

"I need to finish talking to her," I let out with a smile between bruising kisses from his lips, the phone still pressed to my ear. He moves his mouth down my neck and pulls me impossibly close to his body, his nose sitting at my neck as he simply breathes me in. I press on the screen to unmute and bring it back up to my ear, my other hand tangling in Jimin's hair.

"Kat?" I say into the receiver.

"Don't talk to me unless it's to tell me you're coming," she states dramatically.

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