"The Second That You Called Me Yours, I Had Something Worth Living For..."

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Listen to: "Hypochondriac" by Sasha Alex Sloan

After our emotionally charged breakfast, we decide to spend the rest of the morning just relaxing. The guys don't need to be at the company until around 4 since they're doing live zoom interviews in the states and the time difference is drastic. I finish cleaning up the kitchen and head to the couch and sit down next to Jimin. He extends his arm for me to nuzzle into him while he reads his web toon. Yoongi is sitting on the chair with his laptop, Joon is scrolling through his phone, Taehyung is on the other side of me watching the movie on the tv screen, Jin and Hobi are playing the fruit game on the coffee table, and Jungkook has stationed himself in between my legs on the ground, watching the movie as well. I turn my head to Jimin and whisper in his ear.

"Will you help me with something?" I tell him. His eyes light up.

"Okay, what is it?" He asks me. I can't stop looking at his lips.

"I need help picking an outfit for something special," I say to him.

"Okay!" he responds.

"Great," I say, "we can go in like, an hour," I tell him. He nods at me and then leans down and kisses me. I push my body onto his, needing to be closer. I take his bottom lip in between my teeth and gently bite down on him. He let's out the tiniest squeak and the butterflies in my stomach erupt. I giggle at his response and then lay my head back down on his shoulder. We continue relaxing and enjoying our free time for a little while longer.

"Did Jin-Hyung tell you we have something planned for Sunday evening?" Yoongi asks me.

"Yeah, he did. What are we doing?" I ask.

"Like we'd tell you," Hobi says with a scoff.

"Pleassseeeeeee? Why can't you just tell me?" I whine.

"Because that's no fun," Joon tells me mockingly. I look at the clock and decide to get up.

"I'm going to go make myself a coffee and then i'll meet you in mine, okay?" I say to Jimin. He nods and smiles at me as he let's me out of his arms.

I make my way to the kitchen and pull out the pitcher of cold coffee from the refrigerator and pour myself a glass. I add ice and a couple of squirts of hazelnut syrup. I pop a straw in and look up to see Yoongi standing across the island from me.

"Hi Baby," I say to him as I lean forward. "Would you like a coffee?" I ask him. He nods at me and I turn around to make him one.

He comes around as I'm pouring the coffee into the cup of ice. He stands behind me and pulls my hair over my shoulder so that my neck is exposed to him. He leans in and places his lips on my skin and my whole body feels like it's on fire.

"You have a hand print on your neck," he mutters onto my skin, between kisses.

"Yup," I say nonchalantly trying to ignore the way my thighs are squeezing tight to try and stop the lightening in between my legs.

"Did you have fun?" He asks me as his lips continue to ghost over my skin; goosebumps rising with every hit of his breath.

"So much fun," I tell him. He let's out a moan that's borderline a whimper and it makes my knees buckle. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist as he pulls me flush against him.

"Mmmmmm" he moans against my ear and his hands drop down to creep underneath the hem of my shirt. I roll my head back against his shoulder and let a soft moan out at the feeling of his cold fingers against the heat of my skin.

"Just do something," I tell him and he instantly turns me around to face him.

"Oh, you're feeling brave this morning?" He asks me. I laugh.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now