Hiding x and x hithering

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"Gon- Gon helllooo-" I awoke just barely, opening my eyes was a hard task, so imagine waking up from the best sleeping position ever; hugging your best friend. I blinked slowly, trying to make my eye lids any lighter, but as always that plan fails. "... whattt-" I whine tiredly, looking at Canary who was standing next to my bed with a smirk. "Look at your boyfriend~" She coo'd, and I was confused for a second, then notice Killua was hugging my waist with his head on my chest. I had to hold in a squeak of awe, then I cleared my throat, "He's not my boyfriend, C a n a r y"

"Yeah yeah sure, says the one who kissed his forehead earlier. Y'all slept for like 2 hours." She giggled and I rolled my eyes, "I kiss my best friend on the head all the time- I dont see the matter" I comment, and notice him stir and shuffle a bit. I smiled and gently pat his head, and he slowly and groggily woke up; his sapphire eyes glowing slightly in the light of the lamp turned on by my bed, and I giggle as he has to reposition himself higher up my torso go get out of the sun.

"Hi sleepyhead" I smile at him, and he rolled his eyes and yawned, "Your a dork-" He said quietly and rested his head near my neck. I put my chin on his head and lovingly hugged him. "Awe your so snuggly and clingy-" I tease and he immediately sat up, "Nope you ruined it-" He said teasingly back and moved to the other side of my bed. Awe how cute, this reminds me of just how he normally is... distracting from what happened a couple hours ago. What did Illumi do to Killua anywho?

"... Hey Killu-" I ask quietly, scooting over to where hes laying, and he turns over to look at me, "Yeah?" He said quietly with another yawn. Well, here goes nothing, "What happened earlier?" He froze at the mention, and looked down at the sheets in a complete silence, not knowing how to vocalize what happened. ".... I... d-dont think I want to tell you this soon.." He said quietly, and I got the message and pet his cotton-like hair quietly, "Tell me whenever, or never, whichever your comfortable with, Killu" I smile him, and it seemed that his unsureness melted away slightly.

"... ok. Well um... do you... want to play a game or something?" Killua said sheepishly, sitting up again and rubbing his still tired eyes. "Hmmm- sure! We never did that never have I ever game!" I proclaim, remembering that from a couple days ago. Canary chimes in, "Oooh fun- can I play?" "Sure!" I smile at her as she sits on the bed too, across from killua and I. "So, never have I ever.... broken a promise!" Canary said, and looked at the two of us curiously. I blinked a couple times and kept all 5 fingers up, while Killua and Canary both put one down. I gasped, "You guys broke promises-??" I stuttered in surprise, and Canary giggled, "Well I promised to not kiss a girl to my mom, but oh well my girlfriend is a living promise breaker" The three of us shared a laugh.

"What about you, Killua?" I ask Killua, and he shrugged, "I guess I promised lots of dumb things... Like that I'd eat all the chocolate into he world, remember when we were 8 gon?" He smiled, and I giggled, ".. and I made a promise to someone that I'd protect them forever, but... they're gone now.." He said quietly, and the joyous tone in the room imminently turned solemn and quiet, awkward silence filling like a thick fog between the three of us. "... So uh, never have I ever uh... kissed... anyone..?" Killua said quietly, to break the silence. I tilted my head at that question and stared at the wall in thought; does he mean like platonic kisses? Well, ok- I put down a finger and Canary looked at me surprisingly, "You kissed someone?" She inquired with a look of skepticism. What? I've kissed aunt Mito in the cheek before, and Killua on the forehead- ".. Uh yeah..?" I say confused, what does she mean?

"Oh, well uh ok then. Only one?" Canary said more quietly, still a bit stunned. "Oh, no I've kissed like two people" I nod at her, and glanced over at Killua, who looked more in shock then her. But unlike her, he kept to himself and withdrew from the conversation by quietly leaning against the headboard and just looking st me with a indescribable look on his face. ".. you good Killua?" I say quietly with a awkward laugh, and he just rolled his eyes and looked away. Eh? What did I do wrong- "Well it's your turn now Gon-" Canary reminded me with a sheepish chuckle, and i sigh softly, ".. Well never have I ever lost my virginity. That's a interesting one" I smirked and looked at Canary, who put down a finger. "HAH I KNEW IT-" I exclaimed with a vigorous smile, I didn't notice that Killua also put down a finger.

".. Wait what when where and why-" I stammered out looking at Killua with intense shock and almost wordless. He just shrugged and continued to stare at the wall intensively. When did he... with who? My chest began to close down in itself, my breaths laboring to even be able to get out. My heart began to beat in my throat and all I could hear is my heartbeat quickly in.. panic? Why am I reacting like this? Is it that he always tells me everything and not this, or am I.. jealous?

I'm not jealous, I'm concerned. That's all. Concerned for what else he's hiding.

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